The warlords have no intention of stopping ✍️ Rashan O'Shea

In the middle of this black dust, emerge the ambitions of personalities and entities who live and feed on political crises and weak regimes and who will only accept peace as a new trick, similar to the “Juba Agreement” , which prolonged lives. of these groups for another five years after the fall of the Al-Bashir regime.

I felt ashamed while going through the document “minutes of a meeting” held a few weeks ago at the home of the leader of the Justice and Equality Movement, the Sudanese Minister of Finance, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, in which the leaders of the armed movements who signed the “Juba” agreement participated.

This meeting discussed the need to put pressure on the generals of the armed forces to redistribute the shares of the transitional authority, and grant the armed movements a percentage (50%) of the government, notably the ministries (Foreign Affairs , Interior, Finance, Minerals), the post of transitional Prime Minister and the post of first vice-president of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, under the pretext that their forces are fighting on the ground.

Abdullah Yahya, leader of the Sudan Liberation Forces, Salah Rasas of the Transitional Council and Mustafa Tambour, leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement, opposed the initiative of the Sudan Liberation Movement-Minawi, presented by leader Nour al- Daim Taha. All three confirmed that they are fighting for the national question, that they do not expect position or money, while the others cling to the need for their entities to obtain a greater share of the current power.

This meeting was preceded by another meeting held two months ago, in which, in addition to the leaders of the movements, their commanders on the ground participated, who presented to the President of the Sovereignty Council enforceable demands conditioned on the continuation of the fight or return. to neutrality, the most important of which were: (1,500) cruisers, (4) marches, (1,500) Dushka, (1,500) Qarnov, (1,500) RPG guns, (300) sniper rifles, Al -Burhan hasn't responded to that yet.

Although the soldiers and officers of the joint forces fight to defend their land, their history and their identity, they struggle to avenge the years of their lives spent in IDP and refugee camps due to the displacement of the local population by the Janjaweed. during the First Darfur War.

The only common thread in this information is that our reality has not changed. We, as individuals, groups, cities, and countries, will continue to pay the price for the actions of opportunists and greedy people, and we will witness this every decade or more. the absence of national consciousness under a new face.

All of the above reveals the complexity of the conflict and the difficulty of understanding it.

The implications of the claims of “Minawi” and “Gabriel” are the result of continuous accumulations and positions that keep moving and changing.

If participating in the battle for dignity requires sharing power, there are many actors on the ground. There are thousands of popular resisters among Sudanese youth, academics and skilled artisans who gave up their future to liberate our country. The “Baraa bin Malik” brigades, led by young people from the Islamic movement, are “angry” and don’t the others deserve to share the cake of power with “Minawi” and “Gabriel”? Knowing that the two men received the prize for their participation in the Battle of Karama (72) million dollars in cash.

Why do the leaders of the two factions individually want to obtain huge military equipment, why do they not fight according to the formation of the armed forces like the rest of the groups that support them do, why do they seek to create and arm a army in the same place? to the detriment of the fight for dignity and outside the military system?

What the Sudanese people want are wise and patriotic leaders who believe in reality and not illusions, who are principled and not McAvillian, and who preserve their lives and work to make them prosper. Militia leaders and reckless people lead destruction, then stand on the rubble. We only need to look around us to know this bitter truth, and history teaches us, so will we learn from it?

My love and respect

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