The water flirt with the Sudan .. I loved you and made on my eyes – Shihab Thaqib – ✍️

Even the emirates of misery and misery still want to become Abu Dhabi as Khartoum as he asked his sponsor and tutor, Sheikh Zayed, Minister Kamal Ali

Or his visions and dreams are widened and a bigger camel has increased

After the Arabs of the Emirates were affected in Al -Bunyan, and they were shame, and the skyscrapers were afraid, and they were derived from secularism, Judaism and Freemasonry, and they have become a distorted mutation between the Arabs, and the values ​​and the honor

Thus, the emirates of destruction have become flirting with Sudan, the powerful, the top, frankly, without shame, or even without putting his five fingers on his face and telling him in Sudan, I was given love of me and to make you for myself.

(O Default of the disadvantages of you)

Sudan is inherited by Talid and his great story

Large and great civilizations have occupied international public opinion, and the researchers came from all directions and all directions

They are studying, dismantling their talismans, come out with the greatness of the Sudanese man, his genius and his superiority over others at the time, and are held on the victories and the successes obtained by the human being Sudan

After that, a country does not correspond to its entire area of ​​a state of Sudan and requires that it has the right to allocate Sudan and impose its order, in exchange for this

In exchange for the phenomenon of mercy and its inner torture, the Emirates of Evil want good in Sudan, and other peers do not carry loyalty to Sudan.

So the uae was condemned and the false love was given to southern and How I Liked the responsibility of Political Analyst Professor Khaled Calman that this Matter was not and Will not Even Be ifnerations we replaced by Generations, so What the Sudane Lived in Humiliation, Oppression and Deliberate Lack Help of the Emirates Will not Be Allowed to Look at Sudan With the Tip of Her Eye, Let Them Put Her Hand On the Land of Sudan Even ifter seventy Years After SEVENTY YEARS YEARS

If the United Arab Emirates cover history and read well and refer his memory to know that the United Arab Emirates are consistent today, the water are built by the inhabitants of Sudan and that they are the ones who have raised its high status and that they now work despite its dirt and the research of its actions against Sudanese

I want you to know, Sheikh Zayed, that behind you, they lost prayer and have followed the love of desires, they will receive Ghaia

Behind the disbelief on the faith and the values ​​and values ​​of the Arabs of courage, chivalry and fraternity, as well as the gravity and ugliness of their characteristics and their characteristics have become their sick spirit that they can buy nations with their dirhams contaminated by the betrayal of the Jews and that they do not make the difference between the law and the errors

Let them know that Sudan is able to bring them back a thousand times, because there are no emirates, no abuse, no sovereignty, only the Arabs plunge into the depth of the Gulf to go out with a pearl they feed, and that Sudan can explode them with a parent, so you do not see them as a string or a woman

And the patience of Al -zayed until the Sudanese empty you, because they bring you your first biography.

Victory to our valiant armed forces

Glory and dignity to our beloved Sudan

Parents and constancy of the island of kindness and parents

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