The White Nile Government Council approves the performance report of the Ministry of Finance and Economy for the first half of the current year and the proposals for amending the budget.

The White Nile State Government Council, in its regular meeting today at the Government Secretariat in Barbek, headed by Mr. Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of the State, approved the half-yearly performance report of the Ministry for the current year. of Finance, Economy and Manpower of the State with an execution rate of 101% according to the estimated allocation for the first six months of the State's own revenues and amendments to the budget proposals. An increase in revenues of 11% and 12%. in expenditures

Professor Fatima Al-Hajj Al-Tayeb, Director General of the Ministry of Finance, Economy and State Manpower, Minister-designate, said in a statement on the radio that the ministry reached during the first half of the year two thousand and twenty-four an execution rate of forty-two percent in revenue and one hundred and one percent compared to the general level of the budget according to the forecast assessment for this period, thanks to the efforts of the executive branch in executing the budget through the collection of revenue, continuous control of the collection and the removal of obstacles related to collection operations, which made it possible to achieve this percentage despite the fluctuation of federal transfers due to the security conditions that the country and the state are going through.

The Minister of Finance explained that the ministry achieved a performance rate of 31 percent in terms of expenditure, thanks to which a significant percentage of compensation for work accidents, goods, services and other expenses were covered by the Ministry of Finance of the state. the heaviest burden in terms of social benefits given the influx of expatriates to the state and the absorption of expatriate executives according to the governor's decision, which was issued last April, confirming that the ministry was able to cover all payments related to social benefits, civil society organizations, dialysis centers and weak and needy families, with a disbursement rate of sixty percent.

Fatima attributed this high percentage of disbursement to the circumstances surrounding the state population and expatriates, indicating that on the side of other expenditures, the execution percentage reached three percent and non-financial assets ten percent. In the emergency budget, there are expenditure interventions in the autumn emergency and in the development sector at a rate of ten percent.

The White Nile Minister of Finance commended the efforts of the executive branch and the state governing council for their understanding of the economic changes in the state and their acceptance to approve the proposed amendments to this year's budget to cover all costs and needs associated with security services, health emergencies and social interventions in the state for the remainder of this year.

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