The whole truth was revealed after this shocking massacre in Wad Noura ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


He revealed (the lie) Al-Nour Hamad rejoicing in the blood of his martyrs, and he will pay dearly the consequences of his deception, God willing….

++ I don't know of any shocking images and dark scenes that horrified the national conscience after the incident of the burial of the Masalit youth, like the tragedy of ((Wad Al Noura)) yesterday…

++ Wad Al-Noura is a place of purity, purity and nobility: planting a good plant from authentic roots ((the whiteness of its trades,, the darkness of its facts,, the greenery of its pastures)) it feels good, honors the guests and offers the gift of one who does not fear poverty. God clothed him with the garment of concealment, chastity, pride and dignity, and that is why he was targeted by the slaves. monitoring his efforts to break the chivalry of the Sudanese people and humiliate the throne of their pride and the tyranny of their nobility and pride…

++ What happened yesterday by the slaves of the Emirates, the Janjaweed militia, the traitor dogs, was not known to the most brutal schools of brutality and methods of crushing brutality, nor practiced by the cruelest oppressive tyrants. ..

++ There is no lethal weapon, except that this criminal and rebel militia directed it against the residents of Wad al-Noura, bombarding their homes with heavy artillery, incendiary machine guns, bombs fragmentation and incendiary marches for them. to distribute among the martyrs who ascended to God during his holy month and in his days of proximity, and among the wounded whose wounds are still deep. Their pure blood bleeds what is called imprisonment…

++ This coincided with a crime committed by an insignificant ((false)) whose feelings exude backwardness, ignorance and barbarism, who departs from God and His Messenger, and who declares with impudence, arrogance and malice his gloating against the people of Wad Al-Nura in stupid behavior which is not surprising on his part, and he is the ((Apostate Republican)) who has slandered the religion of God. He saw that one day he would reach his position and become ((God is righteous. ))!!!!!

++ This vile man stood up to write his disgusting and ugly statement, mocking these shrouds of more than “two hundred” martyrs, addressing them with ecstasy: ((Why are you crying over the village of Wad Al-Noura!! don't you say that you want Paradise now that you have been brought there by 1,000))…

++ I transmitted it to you as he wrote it, with the spelling errors it contained which reveal the ignorance which surrounds a man who considers himself a thinker, an intellectual and a scholar, and God knows he is ignorant, hiding under the cloak of knowledge… Is there any greater utter ignorance than pretending that there is message after message of Islam and that a no one can rise to the higher level in him, God is majestic and His greatness is sanctified??? !!!

++If gifts are accompanied by adversity, disasters and defeats, then two things should be noted:

The first is that the blood of the martyrs of Wad Noura clearly demonstrated the extent of the hatred, rage and resentment nourished by this criminal and rebel militia against the Sudanese people, which means the absence of any attempt at reconciliation and agree with him. .. The mere thought of reconciling with these oppressors after the events of Wad Noura means a betrayal of their pure blood which was shed through no fault of their own….

Second: It is time for Al-Burhan to give the green light to popular resistance to defend and defend villages and neighborhoods under specific controls, meaning that citizens are armed under the auspices and supervision of the army . This is not reasonable for resistance. to be overpowered, disarmed and forced to stand there and watch these cruel and oppressive bastards. They plunder and commit massacres against the Sudanese people with such terrible cruelty and savage barbarity…

++ What is most infuriating to the soul and ((inspires bitterness)) is that the Attorney General does not lift a finger when he sees an insignificant and worthless agent like this corrupt person , insignificant and despicable, Al-Nour Hamad, provoking the feelings of the Sudanese people and inciting in them hatred, fanaticism and resentment without taking any legal action against them !!!!!!!

++We will not reject the evidence of accusations of negligence on the part of the army leadership, at least not to support the plan to betray and target the army leadership and not to brand them with negligence then that they provide honorable work as expected. Rather, we criticize him for being powerless in the face of the weakness of the Attorney General and his total negligence in taking the decision to fire him immediately…

++ I swear to Almighty God, if I were in the place of this public prosecutor, I would not hesitate again to cancel the arrest or present requests for recovery of all the atrocities committed like that bastard Al-Nour Hamad…

++ I offer my condolences to my family and my relatives in Wad Al-Noura for this great calamity which will be recorded in the pages of Sudanese history as the greatest crime that has shaken the pillars of Sudanese society, which brought tears to hearts and tears. eyes…

we belong to God and to him we return…

Omar Capo

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