There is no sound above the battle and the smells of victory – The glory of the word – ✍️ Umm Waddah

The statement of the Sudanese government regarding the so-called Geneva platform, negotiations or indirect consultations, whatever they are called, is very important, because it cuts the way for speculation aimed at blackmailing and weakening the state with such claims and trends that fuel hostility towards the country, commercialize these killers and those who support them, maintain the state of war, feed its repercussions and spread panic and lack of comfort in the soul of the Sudanese citizen, and Cairo is not far away, and Addis is on the way, and whatever name they give to such calls, the truth remains that this is a deceptive and clever trap promoted by Britain and America through Gutzich and his envoy, which has not deceived and will not deceive the insight of the state leadership, even if it was missed or was marketed. Our delegation in New York has such a stupid, distorted and misleading report.

This, what these international brokers want, has nothing to do with the humanitarian issue, the conditions that the citizens are suffering and the scourge of the ongoing war. The United Nations has played no role in the capital, Khartoum. Since the outbreak of the war on April 15 until today, its absence was and will continue to be in Wad Medani, El Fasher, El Obeid, El Fasher, Nyala and in all the areas targeted by the rebellion … even the money it collected during humanitarian appeals in Geneva was donated twice to Western organizations, which had the pleasure of increasing the suffering of our people by spending absurdly on their employees and killing the Sudanese people in cold blood. that all its leaders in the humanitarian system and their statements are from the top of the pyramid in favor of the rebellion and serve its agendas.

I will say that I remember the statements of President Burhan the day before yesterday that (the government has no negotiations in Jeddah, Geneva or elsewhere) and that the state has revealed the consequences of what it has been led to, and some of them said this with a personal goal and objective that will not deceive our people who are fighting bravely and tasting the bitter and bitter melon and have known the news and customs of the United Nations through UNAMID, UNITAM, Volcker and Lamamra for more than 32 years. a personal envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, he does not have a UN mission nor is he supported by Chapter Six or Seven, as was the case in the past. His mission is very limited and is limited to (supporting the UN). efforts of the government of Sudan to achieve peace and stability) in the country) only… if our delegations in New York and Geneva did not know or were unaware of this mandate…

What these people who profit from our affairs are doing is an attempt to bypass his grandfather's chair with his existing commitments that do not move. Those who want to move forward must implement them… and this effort to implement them. confiscating the options for national solutions and Sudanese rapprochement on the domestic front through deliberate internationalization has great objectives and a proven agreement and is not in the interest of the country, its army or its people. Nations and opening the door to internationalization through humanitarian affairs and the protection of civilians, reaching Chapter Seven again and imposing more sanctions. We must understand the lesson and focus on the battlefield and the victory that is near, God willing. The President was sincere in his rejection of all their platforms… and peace.


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