There is nothing good in me if I don't say it – from the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

It seems that every day the suffering takes root and breathes new suffering into this beloved people. Every day we see waves of displacement every time a city falls and is destroyed. Every day a new novel appears, its cover is of moans, pain and sadness. the ink is tragedy and pain, its letters are tears shed and its sentences are formed by the cries of children and the lamentations of women who left their homes and came. What to carry when the heavy traffic did not allow them to take their luggage, a. tragedy renewed and not as someone who has seen or heard.

Thousands of displaced people arrived in Gedaref State until the city was crowded with them, but they were welcomed by the eminence of the people of Gedaref, who gave the most wonderful example, perhaps, of the valuable life experiences achieved by the people of Al. -Mafaza, Al-Hawata, Hayy, Dal-Kabir, Al-Qarya 10 and Umm Shajara are the best examples that indicate this noble people, and there are many like them. I am almost certain that every family in Gedaref hosts a number of families, and I am almost sure that there are more acquaintances and friends than family members. Whoever says that the people of Gedaref turned their backs on their guests who came to them fleeing the hell of war, or turned a blind eye to the honor. them, had to spit in his face three times after slapping us.

The government of Gedaref State has spared no effort to serve the displaced persons who have addressed the governor of the state, and the committee in charge of this work and the security services have no other work than the displaced and the displaced, but the issue has become beyond the capacity of the state government, which has reduced its sources of income due to the current circumstances. The government of Gedaref is now handling a federal issue and a problem in which the Al-Gadarif center has hosted the displaced persons. the island before and did not fail, but now their number has doubled and the problem is beyond the capacity of the state.

There are no international organizations that have big banners, names and abbreviations, that rent the most luxurious houses in Gedaref, that spend huge administrative expenses on themselves, and a very small percentage goes to the targets. We have written about them many times, but there is no life for whom they call.

From my platform, I look… where I see… the problem in Gedaref State is a major problem and has negative social, security and health impacts. The center must intervene in place of some of its leaders and other activists who themselves spent tickets. and hotel stays in Cairo at a conference whose result is equal to the weight of Qatmir and they came in secret catch the wind. These sums are given to those who seek shade (with a sheet) hanging on a fence that does not. do not protect them from the rain, nor cover them, nor protect them from the cold. They load people with blankets. People here are suffering, and there they wander around the bars of the various capitals, complaining that their homes and homes have been stolen. displaced families, and they applaud the one who stole and fled. This country should be called Wonderland!! Show me who Alice is! .

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