They envy you, Arabs and Africans, because of your enormous wealth, so be careful before it is too late – the last treatment – ✍️ Haled Fadl Al-Sayyid

The shocking statements made by former President Donald Trump at the recent Republican conference are chilling because of the horror of the remarks and their short- and long-term danger to all Arab, Islamic and African countries and indeed to the rest of the world.

Such words spoken by the former president of a country ranked among the great countries must be taken seriously and should not be underestimated because of their seriousness, because they mean that America isolates all the countries of the world for its own good. its own interests only without taking into account the interests of the people and countries, even if they are in their annihilation, and what we see today happening wars, divisions and conflicts between countries especially Arab, Islamic and African countries are nothing. but the result of malicious intelligence work carried out by these sinful hands with the help of some leaders who sold their people to remain in power to the detriment of the people and their well-being through the goods and wealth that their country enjoys. In doing so, they contribute to the destruction of our countries for the sake of money and for private interest to prevail over the public.

Let's give Trump's speech some space as it came, and you, dear reader, can judge it after reading it.

Gentlemen: Today I have decided to tell you everything that is happening and where the world is heading in light of all the changes that have taken place over the past (400) years. You remember the year 1717, which was the birth of the new world, and you remember that the first dollar was printed in 1778, and for this dollar to rule, the world needed a revolution, and it was the French Revolution of 1789, the revolution that changed everything and turned everything upside down with its victory. The world that had been ruled for 5,000 years by religions and mythologies ended and a new world order began, ruled by money and the media, a world in which there was no place for God or human values.

Do not be surprised that we are a sample of this new world order. This system knows the nature of its work, which is devoid of human and moral values. I do not care if the wrestler dies. What matters to me is that the wrestler. I bet on victory. However, the world order brought me to the presidency. I am the one who runs gambling establishments, and today I am the president of the most powerful country. So it is no longer moral standards that govern the world. today, and human entities are interests.

Our world system has worked patiently and tirelessly until we reached a point where the authority of the Church ended, religion was separated from politics, and secularism came to confront Christianity.

When the so-called Ottoman Islamic Caliphate fell, we even abandoned the Jewish religion when we involved it in the world order. The majority of the world today hates Semitism. Therefore, we imposed a law that protects Semitism. For this law, Jews would have been killed in all parts of the earth. Therefore, you must understand that the new world order has no place for religions. Therefore, you are witnessing today all this chaos that is spreading across the world from one end to the other. On the other hand, it is a new birth, a birth that will cost a lot of blood, and the death of tens of millions of people in the world is to be expected, and we, as a world system, are not sorry for this today. , we no longer have feelings and emotions.

Our work has become something like a machine. For example, we will kill many Arabs and Muslims, take their money, occupy their lands and confiscate their wealth. Someone may come and tell you that this is against the system and the laws. We will tell anyone who tells us this story that, quite simply, what we do to the Arabs and Muslims is much less than what he does to the Arabs and Muslims themselves, so we have the right not to trust them because they are traitors and fools, traitors and liars.

There is a big rumor in the Arab world that America is paying billions of dollars to Israel, and it is a lie. Those who are paying billions of dollars to Israel are the Arabs. The Arabs give money to America, which in turn gives it to Israel. Also, the Arabs are stupid and stupid because they fight in a sectarian way, knowing that their language is the same and the majority is of the same religion, so logic does not justify their survival or existence, so you always hear me say that they. have to pay.

As for our conflict with Iran, it is not because Iran attacked us, but rather because we are the ones trying to destroy it and overthrow its regime, and this is something we have done with many countries and regimes. To remain the strongest in the world, you have to weaken everyone.

I admit that in the past we overthrew regimes, destroyed countries and killed people in the name of democracy, because our concern was to prove to everyone that we are the police of the world, but today there is no need to hide behind our finger, I say it in front of you: America has gone from a police to a company, and companies buy and sell and that is who they pay more with and companies to build must always demolish, and there is no place more prepared for demolition than the Arab world.

For example, what Saudi Arabia spent on its war against Yemen is almost equivalent to what America spent on the war against Desert Storm. What has Saudi Arabia ultimately accomplished, saying it had to protect us at a time when it was paying a million dollars for a missile to destroy a site or a car that costs no more than a few thousand dollars?

I don't know where the elites are and I don't want to know. I know that the weapons factories are working. It doesn't matter who dies and who is killed in this region, and this applies to everyone. the project of controlling Arab oil because this control helps us to completely control Europe, China and Japan.

Furthermore, there are no free peoples in the region. If they had existed, we would not have found them. That is why we will not allow these peoples to wake up, just as we will not allow any party to block our path. So we have put Iran before two options: either war or surrender, and we have imposed the maximum sanctions that will lead us to a war that will not happen. The only winner will be the new world order. For this system to win, we will use everything we have achieved at all military, technological and economic levels.

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