They sell their positions at a low price….Do the misguided neither see nor hear…?!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

Out of hypocrisy and paid sympathy for the rebellion, some are calling for a “no-fly zone” with which the army fights the rebel militias, in their “naive belief” that the ban can “save” what is left of the thugs. They rather believe that the battle is “limited” only to the air force. It is as if they have not yet heard of these military operations that take place on the ground with forces other than the air force and crush (with force and efficiency) the rats of rebellion inside their holes. Those on the ground, including the heroes (infantry), armored vehicles, special forces and other fighters, represent (the other side of) the Eagles of the Air. Both factions are from the source of One is the. The Sudanese army, which is invincible, God willing… As for those opponents of their country and their people who pour out all this (pity and distress) for the sake of the murderous bastards of the rebellion, we were waiting for them to translate into action and come here to share the process of (eradicating) the land of Sudan and to get (their share) of To eradicate them and throw them into the dustbins of history (the outcasts), and leave those like them who I did not follow them, I know that the air force and the ground fighters are at the heart (of one man) in the battle for dignity..!!*

*While those who have a “hateful allegiance” to the rebellion know that the battle is the battle of an entire nation, with its people and its army, and that all the honorable people in the security services, the private sector and the mujahideen have made great progress towards (the complete annihilation of the rebellion) and the punishment of its henchmen (the paid agents), so that neither (the tears) will benefit them, nor (their miserable pity) for the ruins of the rebellion, (the will of the nation) is capable of crushing it and erasing it from existence, as well as every traitor and agent (who rejoices) in its crimes and gives it a gift (free mercy), knowing that it is an outcast entity composed of (fragments of) thieves, murderers, and saboteurs… then you (lying and misguided advocates of theft without theft, how did your compassion find its way (to criminals) and not for thousands of sons and daughters of the people (victims) of treacherous murders, rapes, robberies and humiliation at the hands of the thugs of the rebellion…?!! Or have the “purchase prices” of your shameful positions been “gratifying” to you, and have afflicted you with “blindness and deafness”, so that you neither see nor hear the filthy crimes committed by the rebellion?!!

*When a people decides to live on their land (free and dear), they will not be “intimidated” by the announcement of the no-fly zone, nor “disturbed” by the cries of loss of “honor” of belonging to the homeland and the people… and the battle continues to “eliminate” the rebellion, regardless of the magnitude of the sacrifices and the greatest hidden means of confrontation, and what he sees. tools of combat, but not all..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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