Thinking outside the box – militarily and politically!! ✍️Bakri Al Madani See More

(1) *militarily*

*Militarily, the situation is complex and requires thinking outside the box*

*In the 1990s, the military situation in the south got complicated – with one difference – and the world threw its weight behind the SPLA, and the Ugandan army did intervene with its tanks in Operation Heavy Rains, but that situation gave birth to the idea of ​​(tanks)!*

*Militarily today, you also need an idea that goes off the beaten track to confront the Thatchers, the engines and the pillars!!*

(2) *Politically*

*The Cairo Forum – with gratitude – will come to nothing simply because the army and the rapid support militia are not part of its parties.*

*If the parties of the Cairo Forum agree, there is no one to implement the recommendations of the forum!*

*Egypt knows this, but it wanted to show courtesy!*

*The most influential platform is Jeddah because it is direct between the army and the Rapid Support Militia and because it is dedicated to security issues -*

*For the lost chair of Jeddah to return, we must also think outside the box in negotiation*

*I tend to favor internal negotiations in my country that go beyond even directing militias abroad!*

*We must infiltrate the militias and negotiate directly at home with those who are on the ground with the same objectives and conditions as the Jeddah platform!*

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