Thirst and thirst 00000 !! – Loose – ✍️ Abdul Salam Al-Qarai

Tashshan (thought) and brutality for those who disagree with outdated opinions and trends!!

There is no doubt that journalism is a message, and the journalist must have a message, a thought and the courage to address issues that are crucial to the country and its people.

The media is the mirror of the people, and the press is an eye that looks, and at the same time it is a heart that beats with love for this nation in crisis and afflicted by the stupid (ignorant) policies of the SAS Yesus group. 00,000.

Those who tremble and those with trembling hands say: “Beware of government oppression,” and the speech is addressed to journalists.

Journalists have no weapon other than the pen and honest speech, and their weapon is characterized by (tranquility). This has nothing to do with the pacifism of the rude people and their slogans that came out, in the words of the poor, (a). pipe), considering that they did not descend to the field of reality, and the poor (with freedom and change and without luxury in life) did not touch the wounded and silent Sudanese people. 0000 And the Sudanese people have experienced two things in the world. The last ten years, during the time of the late Kizan government, instead of ignorant people working to compensate the poor, they made the situation worse.

Unfortunately, the slogans of the shameless, as well as the slogans of the National Salvation Revolution, came out like pipes, so no Islamic slogan was implemented as it should be, and these trembling people speak while terror and fear fill their hearts, speaking of (power) and the iron fist of the imitations of ears of corn.

They tell us about (intimidation), torture, ghost houses, the Thatcher car that drives through towns and villages to pull out nails, gag mouths and silence the pens that objectively and credibly criticize their weapons. activate the mechanisms of the system (of treatment and solutions).

These poor people do not know that they denounced their leaders on the grounds that they were violating common sense in terms of principles of good governance.

Are the mechanisms and means of good governance persecution, flogging, torture and exile from the country?

Is it reasonable for those in power to commit all these crimes to stay in power?!

What a pity, these leaders lacked (the system of self-criticism), that is, holding themselves responsible.

What harms them is that the press plays this role to complement the system of good governance.

If the rule of these people is to make citizens happy and provide for their necessary needs in education, health, environmental health and electricity and water services, 000, in this regard, the country is witnessing power cuts, as well as water (a crisis that has become difficult to resolve), and what is worse, it is the case of communication networks.

If the purpose of these leaders is for the good of their people, then it is most appropriate that their instructions be clear and sincere for the good of Almighty God.

Unfortunately, the result is that the arrogance of governments is matched, as the tremors (followers) say, only by the arrogance of leaders in silencing voices calling for reforms and real change in the lives of self-reliant and patient people who were (suppressed) by successive governments and the series of humiliation, degradation and marginalization continues.

Neither the reign of Mayo Numeiri (benefit), nor the reign of the imitations of ears (shafa'), nor the bastards of the left (ba'at) 0000, all, as the poor say, turned out to be pipes.

One of the tremors says speaking in the language of the rulers, specifically false kings, addressing the (disappointed) speech to the one who wrote the scandal, who writes with honesty and boldness. This disciple says, warning: “My capital is. A bullet in the head. With this reactionary concept, they are not rulers who seek to realize the interests of the people, but rather “thugs.” Their goal is to suck the blood of the oppressed and waste the oppressed. the blood of those who oppose them in terms of opinion and orientation

Oh my God, the Sudanese people are not hungry

O these people, hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable, and we will return, God willing.

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