Those who died in the desert did not call the international emergency number. A technical expert calls for the number (112) to be identified ✍️ Absher Shajarabi✍️ Abshar Shajarabi.

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Communications and information technology expert Mustafa Nawari revealed the existence of an international emergency number that can be used even if the phone does not have a SIM card or is locked with a code. In his statements today, Sunday, Nawari called on the responsible authorities to inform citizens about the international emergency number (112) because of the importance of using it in any area. There is no communication coverage to avoid the risk of getting lost and walking in the desert. We alert the government to the need to enlighten citizens about its importance. Nawari added: “I am certain now that more than 90% of Sudanese people do not even know about the existence of this number and do not know how to use it. » He cited the recent disaster that resulted in the death of 21 Sudanese people who were thirsty after getting lost in the Sudanese-Libyan desert, stressing that most of them had mobile phones and could communicate with the State of Libya, which is part of the Libyan State. international number for years. The emergency office in Kufra is well equipped with all the aids as it is the closest point north of the disaster site. Nawari questioned Sudan's response in reaching the international emergency number (112) and the importance of educating the population on this issue. He called for the preparation of enlightening messages that include: “O citizen/citizen, if you are in an isolated area and feel imminent danger threatening your life, then quickly call the number (112), he added as soon as the person leaves the normal communication coverage system or (the tower system), he finds himself at the mercy of the vast desert. Which can make him ignorant of the main directions and be alerted to the appearance of the word (emergency calls) assigned to the number. 112 in question and this call can be made.

Even if the mobile phone is switched off or without a SIM card.

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