Those who rejoice over those affected by floods… Is there a way out? – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

As many misfortunes as have afflicted all parts of this country, and as many calamities as have fallen and afflicted some people in the course of time, whether due to nature, the injustice of some or the oppression of the Sultan, we have not heard or read that anyone was rejoicing in this part of the country or in front of these afflicted and mourning people, and people should express the opposite of what I say…

Yes, wars took place between the central authority and our brothers in the south, and the same wars took place between it and our brothers in Darfur, as well as wars between it and our brothers in the Nuba Mountains, as well as in parts of the east of the country, until the movements and interests of the people were disrupted and nature, with the power of God, affected many parts of the country and its people with trials ordained by God, I perished and lost a lot…

In all these wars and disasters, we have not heard or read of a Sudanese jubilant, rejoicing, applauding the wounded and wishing more for the wounded…

God has destined and willed that our people in the north and east should be afflicted this year with an extraordinary autumn, rains and torrential downpours beyond the norm, leaving behind devastation, destruction and loss of souls, which has prompted the outside world to rush to console and send help, while praying in the pulpits on Friday for God to remove distress and remove the distress of the afflicted…

Some people in this country, and unfortunately we are with them in many social groups, expressed their joy at what had happened to these simple people and declared that what had happened to them was the punishment of God, who imposed nature on them in response to their injustice towards those they falsely called the marginalized and who were oppressed by the State of 56…

What kind of people are these people, O God, and what kind of heart do these people carry, and what hatred moves the pen of these people??

Yes, these are some of our brothers who belong to those areas that they have classified as marginal, and all the images of devastation and devastation that have been displayed during this war and what the floods have left behind confirm that the north and the east are the margin, and everything else is just a pretense and the product of noise and loudspeakers that have filled the spaces with screams and made people sing with this statement…

Not all those who belong to these areas that they themselves have classified as marginal areas without real standards carry a black heart and hidden hatred, like some who are isolated in many social media groups and who only care and work for what harms others, especially those who they call the people of State 56. Is there a way to heal these people and reintegrate them into a clean Sudanese society?

Everyone is waiting for this war to end in one way or another, and after that they start thinking and even working on establishing a state that welcomes everyone and where people will be judged according to justice and law, but…

What we see from some of these people I mentioned does not give even the slightest glimmer of hope that these people can go beyond the same stations that brought us the sources of destruction, and that the rhetoric of hatred and hatred cannot stop with these people, despite their small numbers, and we will continue to turn in the same vicious circle even after the end of the war and despite the fleeting hopes of building a different and new Sudan…

May God help everyone

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