To Maher Al-Amin, Director of Banks ✍️ Dr Abbas Taha Hamza

The first photo brings together the director of Gedaref University, Professor Ibtisam Al-Tayeb Al-Jak, and the director of zakat banks, my brother Maher Al-Amin… the name is Ali, skilled in his work and the administrator of zakat money…

The above message was received from the distinguished and eminent journalist, Mr. Ahmed Babiker Al-Makabrabi, in connection with his publication of the news that the Director of Zakat Banks handed over to the Director of Gedaref University, Prof. Ibtisam Al-Tayeb, a check for a large amount in favor of paying the tuition fees of poor students at the university….

Professor Al-Makabrabi's message was short, but as usual, Professor Al-Makabrabi included several important contents and administrative treasures of Tajweed. I will endeavor to shed light on some of them as well as some suggestions for some fertilizers that I hope will increase the sweetness of Tajweed. the fruits of these treasures of Al-Makabrabi….

Firstly…..with our confidence in the professionalism and credibility of Professor Al-Makabrabi, we highly appreciate his recommendation of Professor Maher Al-Amin by saying that he is a true name, because he is strong and competent, that is, he has remarkable administrative skills and creativity, and he is honest and does not show complacency in his management of zakat disbursements in accordance with the details approved by the Shariah regarding zakat disbursements, and I was Professor Al-Makabrabi in his recommendation to Professor Maher Kani is accompanied by the specifications required for a civil service employee, which were the first summarized in the history of humanity by one of the daughters of Shuaib, who was impressed by the strength of our Master Moses, peace be upon him, when he gave them water in front of a crowd of people, so she went to her father and asked him to hire her, and she told her the best person she could hire… The strong and trustworthy… This recommendation, summarized in two words, the jurists were unanimous in saying that it included all the qualities that must be present in a civil servant, and if the decision-makers of our time adhered to it in selecting their employees, the condition of the country and the people would be improved, but unfortunately the decision-makers persist in wasting honesty and entrusting the matter to people who are not qualified. So you find that the frivolous and brilliant man, Al-Ruwaibidah, takes charge of the affairs of the people. affairs, as was reported on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace…. Who said… If trust is lost, then look at the Hour, and God is sufficient for us, and He is the best arranger of affairs….

Secondly… Professor Maher Al-Amin handed over this amount to the university director, Professor Ibtisam, to pay the tuition fees of poor students. In my opinion, this was a disbursement that was given to those who were entitled to it. and arrived on time, considering the financial situation that the majority of the students' parents are going through due to the global aggression against Sudan and its people and the consequences that come from it: lack of money, lives and fruits…

Third…. In view of the above, I suggest that the Director of Zakat Banks, Mr. Maher, open a positive discussion with the President of Gedaref University regarding the possibility of the Zakat office financing collective projects for university professors, most of whom are certainly among the poor in the fields of agriculture and animal production, with the aim of emancipating them from dependence on salaries whose value has become microscopic and invisible to the naked eye, thus motivating this educated layer to take their sciences out of the minds and integrate them into the fields of agriculture and animal production. the fields through practice and liberation from the levels of theory to the vastness of the framework, achieving, I will not say, self-sufficiency and tearing off the bill of the first semester… in accordance with the wisdom that says that it is better for the poor than to give him a fish to eat, to give him Sinara and teach him to fish permanently, but rather to achieve luxury and wealth and enter the world of implementing giant development projects that supply the treasury of the state and Sudan with hard currency, and this is dear to God….

As for the possibility of realizing these dreams and turning them into reality, I will send you a copy of my proposals to the Governor of Gedaref State, His Excellency Major General Maash Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, and a copy of my experience in the field of productive housing and an informed and unconventional feasibility study for the production of dairy products from cows…

I have put all these proposals into practice and their results, thank God, have been astonishing, encouraging and reproducible to fight poverty and achieve sustainable development…

Fourth… I suggest that the Zakat Office organize a workshop in which the Fatahla will be invited to teach and develop the jurisprudence of zakat, so that they can think about developing the jurisprudence of zakat to keep up with the developments of the times, so that the Zakat Office, in cooperation with the banking system and Gedaref University, concludes intelligent partnerships with partners inside and outside the country with the aim of establishing giant productive projects with the aim of producing crops for internal consumption and exporting the surplus, as well as industrial and service projects.

I hope that the proposals I have drafted will receive consideration and interest from all concerned, with the aim of contributing to the reform of the condition of the country and its people… with my sincere thanks and appreciation.

Dr. Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeer

University of Khartoum..

Currently a visiting professor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia…

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