To our evacuated leaders… fight the market crisis so that the citizen is not crushed twice…! – #The_Autre_Dimension – ✍️ Musaab Brier

“The economic war that targeted the livelihoods of citizens was not isolated from the existential war plans that plagued our beloved country, but rather it was the tip of the spear of all their planned devastations by shutting down and destroying infrastructure, sabotaging factories, destroying agricultural projects, and even stealing seeds and agricultural machinery.

“This is therefore a war that was never the result of an immediate moment, but rather began a long time ago with deliberate and planned measures with malice and petty and criminal deception… and now its results have appeared publicly on the market: an unjustified and senseless rise in prices, especially for food, fuel and gas, and complete chaos on the foreign exchange market, etc.

“It is regrettable that there are a number of non-national capitalisms, and in the absence of control by the competent authorities, they continue to monopolize many necessary commodities (flour, sugar, edible oils, lentils, rice, etc.) by buying from their suppliers and storing them without exposing them to the local market to dry up the market. Some of them wait for their prices to increase and fight together the State and the citizen…

“The real goal of this sinful group is to encourage and spread scarcity and suffering to achieve the signs of a manufactured famine, intended to achieve the goals of destroying Sudan by a new path after failing under the barrel of a gun. The monopoly of food products This is now happening in an ugly way that has shrunk the stores, which has resulted in doubling the value of the monthly rent of the warehouses several times, and this is now known to the sheep herders of the Kordofan desert, so how can it be hidden from our security and economic security services?!..

“Censorship, censorship, otherwise the specter of famine will appear, if only to some extent. These dark-skinned people, who are not content with illicit income, know that most Sudanese have now consumed their savings and are now begging for their daily bread, displaced on the streets, sleeping on the ground and seeking refuge in heaven, God forbid, the government employees who have not spent their salaries for a year now, who can ask how they earn their daily bread. basic needs? There is no power nor strength except with God Almighty.

After the last one:

In short, those who monopolize basic necessities today in order to make a cheap profit have no difference between themselves and the criminals of the criminal militias who loot and drive people out of their homes in safety. On the contrary, they are worse, have lower morals and. The competent authorities must classify them as war criminals, just like the rebel militias. Finally, the security services must seize all stores containing basic necessities intentionally removed from the markets and force their owners to return them to the markets. or confiscate them under the emergency law, and prosecute them summarily for these heinous crimes. They must also arrest the foreign exchange brokers and impose the most dissuasive penalties on them for this criminal group. Or they have prepared more shrouds to cover their victims. of the Sudanese people, because they no longer have their value. Oh my God, have I reached out, so bear witness to it?

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

O God, impose not on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear You for us and have no mercy on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Wednesday (July 24, 2024 AD)

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