To the honorable leaders of Sudan… Written by Major General Sheikh Bashir

My dear brothers, I greet you with affection and affection. We have been patient with the looting of homes, the killings in the streets and alleys, the systematic looting of cars and personal property, the failure of banks, the rapes, the displacement of citizens. of their country, the upheaval of life and its means of market, pumps and stores, and the great panic in the souls of the citizens, but something new has happened to us. The radio women were released while they were pregnant. is a shameful position for any genuine Sudanese man, even if pregnant women are not responsible for it, because the affair happened without her will and against her will, and she found no one to defend her honor, and destiny has decreed it, and we say it loud and clear: there is no negotiation after this heinous incident, which is a rare precedent in the history of humanity. After a violation. The propositions are that we have nothing left to negotiate, and our bargaining means we are cuckolded. men, so to speak, and men of weak soul who deserve contempt, and we treat them with contempt. We, my dear brothers, have our dignity covered in dust, and our acceptance of any negotiation means our defeat before the harem forever. and there remains a shameful silence on the Sudanese front. As for the State of the Emirates, this is another topic that requires a lot of discussion, but we can summarize that we, as the Sudanese people, must answer for this State in our part. , and we do not give up our right, and we tell them that the Sudanese people will not be defeated, and we tell them that we will negotiate with any country or movement that opposes the ruined Emirates, and in short , we will make him cooperate with Satan to restore Our dignity and our days are lost between us, and you were the first to attack, and we do not sleep nor blink until we respond to Azza, his dignity lost because of you, and there are many options for you will answer, and we study them now and make a decision, our pride of time and our preservation of the Motherland.
Sheikh Bashir Pension Staff Brigade
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