To the Nile receives publications from the economic magazine during the Nile Investment Forum

The Director of the Exhibition Industrial Investment Forum, Abu Bakr, Sheikh Hamid Ahmed Bashir and Sheikh Abdullah Muhammad Othman, the publications of the magazine Al -anwar, Al -anwar Economic Newspaper, were given from Professor Elias Abdel Rahman, Director of the Media, Development of the platform
And the publisher-in the Chief of Economic Lights magazine and the documentation of the Nile Forum for investment and industry
And the two problems as a first documentation
Both versions must be printed and then think of the magazine as a period
Specialized in economics and development, and Mr. Al -Wali expressed his pleasure in this advanced work and treatment
It should be noted that the lights of media production presented two numbers from the photo magazine
Before the forum and continued in a daily message, while the economic lights made fun of most of its pages at the forum, and Professor Elias Abdel Rahman expressed their happiness to receive the governor and to receive the two questions as the first step.
Move forward with the intensification of the media which serves development
The Pension of People and the Prix of Elias are the great moral payment and the encouragement of the Minister of Culture and Information, Professor Mustafa Al -Sharif, and the Minister of Investment, Industry and The mine, Othman Amara
Alias thanked his thanks on the authority of the platform to the group of companies of Hamid Bashir, who took over a large part of this work, which he aimed to pay with the state.
And the Ministry of Information for Information Development in the presence of experts and specialists who are now under the service of the State and the Media Sector