To the Sudanese communities in the diaspora countries – It's no secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

My brothers evacuated from the countries of the diaspora, from the cities and capitals of the Arab countries of the Gulf, from Europe and from all the countries of the world, you have my warmest greetings.

No doubt you are following what is happening in your country, Sudan, which is resolutely opposed to

This fierce war you are waging

Your valiant Sudanese Armed Forces are in the company of the sincere sons of the country in the armed popular resistance and in the company of the joint forces of the armed struggle movements.

You know very well that your homeland, Sudan, is facing a major project undertaken by a number of countries, first and foremost the United Arab Emirates, the main supporter of this war, and you know

The instrument of this war is what we know

With the Rapid Support Militias implementing

This plan is against your homeland, Sudan.

It is certain that you have followed the violations of these militias, including crimes against the Sudanese people, without exception.

These militias have committed the most horrific crimes, including the murder, displacement and rape of Sudanese women, as well as the looting of citizens' property, including money, cars, furniture and other goods.

And here, the militias are destroying government institutions on a daily basis and tampering with everything that belongs to the Sudanese people. Even the infrastructure of the Sudanese state has not yet been spared from ruin and destruction, and the plan continues.

It is now moving towards the displacement of citizens from their homes, which is known as a demographic change for the honorable Sudanese people.

Gentlemen of the Evacuation, the Country is Still Bleeding

From this damn plan led by the Zionist UAE

You know very well that the Sudanese Armed Forces are still fighting the battle of dignity in order to maintain Sudan as it was, a sovereign state.

From April 15, 2023

You know that the armed forces have provided a number of martyrs in sacrifice for this dear country and that they are still winning happy victories there, but the plan is formidable and targets the land, the population, the wealth and the resources of Sudan, which has made Sudan the subject of the ambitions of the bad countries that you know, but after all that has been reported, I tell you again.

There are honorable people among our people, sons of Sudan, who are jealous of their homeland, Sudan, and who fight in defense of their homeland, Sudan, and some of them have left their homes of exile.

He came to Sudan and joined the ranks of the armed popular resistance, defending his homeland, Sudan, in the face of this plan that is trying to make Sudan disappear, but far from it, I tell them that the Sudanese people are not like all the people whose security has been compromised by the Zionist United Arab Emirates.

My message to you, while you are in the diaspora, is to organize your ranks.

In protest, there were arrests in front of embassies and in front of the United Nations headquarters and in front of human rights organizations, demonstrations of denunciation and denunciation.

Violations committed by the terrorist militia Al Dagalo with the support of the Zionist UAE, which is financing this war to kill the Sudanese people.

Gentlemen of the evacuation, you must participate in the defense of your homeland, Sudan, from your positions in the diaspora countries by organizing these protest stops.

Weekly, even daily, submission of service notes to all diplomatic, judicial and foreign embassies

Support the armed forces, the popular resistance and other regular forces

And to support the Sudanese people who are counting on their honorable and sincere sons

One army, one people against traitors and agents

The popular armed resistance continues.

Stay safe, my honorable brothers.

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