To the team, first of all, the enthusiasm of youth is your abundant asset..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

*The miserable fools who fomented the assassination attempt on President Burhan, unknowingly contributed to raising (the ceiling of his popularity) and further increasing the cohesion of the people with the army (steel cohesion), and thus they (lose) every day while we reap (the profits) and the battle of dignity (devours) their thugs. The mercenaries and our side are written for us (life and victory) with the help of God… and whoever among us is a martyr will enter Paradise (laughing and rejoicing) by the power of God Almighty. As for their dead and those who killed them, they will be in (the blazing fires of Hell) and miserable is the fate, for the promise of God is true… even if you (the evil devils) killed him, then it is not (intelligence) on your part and not (sophistication) in your weapons. Rather, it is the will of God (the victorious), and because you have failed to reach the (goal), this. is so that you may know that death and life are in the hands of God and not in your (blood-stained) hands. So know, you (the wicked), that those you plan to kill are running to die for the sake of. God, if death comes to them in this position, they will be happy, and their brothers who have not joined them behind them will be happy with them. As for you, prepare yourselves for the lowest level of Hell, by the will of God. wretched you are..!!*

*Here you are, criminals, reaping (disappointment) and turning your backs as losers On the side of the nation, the people and the army, here is (the prevailing enthusiasm) and filling all the places. , men, youth, women and children. If they had found enough weapons, they would have crushed the rebellion in a few moments… As for the young men who rush into battle, they represent today (the greatest gain) in the hands of Al-Burhan and all the commanders of the army, and their enthusiasm must be invested immediately in the battle to annihilate the rebellion, and these people (Burhan had informed them) before in the battles of the south, the west and the east, and they have provided tens of thousands of martyrs and they are always quite ready to offer more, so I urge them, O Burhan, to fight the thugs. The rebellion and its minions have taken up more of our time than they deserve, so it is possible that they will disappear relentlessly and as quickly as possible..!!

*Let us leave aside the negotiation arguments and lies that the American mediator speaks of, because this is a “dirty trick” and an entrance through the window, as we have said before, and they will not “solve” the problem of Sudan, and they will not do it. “Stop” the war, and they will not “condemn” the rebellion, because it is their ally … so nothing is in our hands more effective (and more effective) than to fight and eradicate the rebellion by an army (of great magnitude). popular uprising that accompanies step by step (our formidable army), and this is what all the Sudanese people hope for and there is no other choice..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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