Tom Perriello: Tours to Strengthen the Janjaweed ✍️ Dr. Omar Capo


++ The US special envoy to Sudan has begun a tour of selected countries, saying his US administration is discussing ending the war and food shortages in Sudan…

++ A new step that confirms that the American administration proceeds without the slightest shame in belittling, mocking and looking with all the absurdity and contempt at the Sudanese people, who realize that America is the one that bears the greatest and greatest responsibility for the damage caused to the Sudanese people.

++ The US administration knows that the one who started the war and supported the filthy Janjaweed militia is the Zionist state of the Emirates, and despite this, it has not bothered to reprimand it and demand that it stop its contempt for the Arabs of the Emirates and the diaspora, the main component of the militia…

++ The US administration knows that the Zionist state of the Emirates had ordered the Janjaweed to occupy the production areas, causing chaos and creating confusion and instability, as they did in Al-Jazeera, Sennar and the Blue Nile, leaving them with only a few states in the production areas so that they could cause the greatest famine that Sudan has ever known…

++ Whoever remains silent about all these Emirati crimes should not take the initiative to discuss food shortages, famine and the causes of the war. If he does so, he will have despised the Sudanese people, belittled their spirit and dealt with them. the lowest levels of arrogance, stupidity and mockery…

++ If the humiliated Tom Perriello is serious in his efforts, then he must take three steps to prove his seriousness in order to defuse the war, otherwise any step he takes is considered a new chapter in the evil conspiracy against the Sudanese people…

++ The first step is to compel the Janjaweed militias to implement the Jeddah Agreement, including its just and legitimate demands that the Janjaweed leave the homes of innocent citizens and then assemble their forces in camps outside Khartoum, far from civilian objects.

++ The second step is to force the small Zionist state of the Emirates to cease its continued support for the Janjaweed militia and its logistical, political and diplomatic support against the Sudanese people…

++ The third step is to respect the sovereignty of Sudan by accepting all the demands of its government regarding the issue of humanitarian aid, namely that it be subject to inspection, control and scrutiny before delivering it to those who deserve it, after it has been proven that it is a project whose aim is to inject poison into the body and introduce weapons, ammunition, anti-aircraft guns and drones into it.

++ Any action taken by this shameful envoy without prioritizing these three steps will not attract the criticism, discontent and objection of the Sudanese people…

++ Until further notice, the Sudanese people behind their leadership, led by Al-Burhan, are all based on the heart of one man against any American enterprise, even if they cover themselves with the cloak of their fear, compassion and compassion for the Sudanese people.

++ It is not necessary to remind that America remained silent about all these atrocities committed against innocent citizens for more than a year and a half, and now, suddenly, it has woken up seeking a ceasefire with an oppressive, brutal and tyrannical militia.

++ A position in which she must be aware that her hand is exposed, so every time a movement moves in the Sudan file, the Sudanese people become certain that it has done so to harm them further…

++ Of course, it is more ridiculous than the absurdity of Tom Perriello, the Human Rights Council commission of inquiry, which opens the way for the UN forces to invade Sudan to colonize it, but if he does it, he will open the way for a general mobilization in which he tells the lesson of history that confirms that everything is possible in Sudan except its colonization, and therefore he will have rendered a service in An unprecedented popular rally behind our great army…

*++Army, machine*

*++Be careful, Jinn*

*++Resistance or firmness*

*Omar Capo*

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