Tom's Democracy – Signs – ✍️ Rashid Abdel Rahim

Democracy is a political process that cannot be achieved without the supremacy of majority opinion.

It is a characteristic that is only acquired by associating words with actions, and language must express it.

The loudest voices that speak of democracy in our time are those that violate it the most, whether by an individual or by a State.

The United States presents itself as the master of democracy in the world, while practicing the ugliest forms of dictatorship, especially against vulnerable peoples, and this is what it has done in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia.

Tom Perillo, the US envoy to Sudan, has exercised scandalous political tyranny by claiming to seek peace in Sudan.

He paved the way for the Geneva talks by saying: “We will not let August pass without results.”

Why August when the war is in its second year?

His goal is not to push for peace, and if he had been sincere, he would have made his efforts a year or months ago. His goal is rather to achieve a personal achievement that will help him maintain his position. their next government and achieve a result for his party in the next round, and set it for August as the election date approaches, which remains a known number of months.

Tom Perillo wants to specify the location of the talks, their parties and observers, and even the composition of the delegations. He is not ashamed to specify them. He said that (the Geneva talks host a military delegation capable of making decisions). according to him and not determined by his condition.

He talks about the civilian forces from which he draws information, and he wants to prevent the participation of the army and the Rapid Support to the government that will follow these negotiations, and he involves the civilian forces that he talks about, and they are rude to Hamdok. , and Khaled is in their embassies, and they are the ones who resemble him and resemble him in words and deeds. They said (either the framework or the war) and they are the ones who said (the government is our government and). it is we who are demonstrating against it) and they are the ones. He said (After April 11, we do not want anyone to argue with us here), and they are the ones who made unjust decisions through committees and away from the judiciary.

Sudan is promised democracy Tom Brillio.

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