Traffic police… financial violations are the lady of the situation ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The Director of the General Administration of Traffic Police, Police General Siraj Mansour, has achieved remarkable successes, including activating traffic campaigns with the aim of realizing the financial link established by the Ministry of Finance.
Let the Director of the General Department of Traffic Police, Police General Siraj Mansour, know that his tasks are also to spread traffic culture and educate road partners, and not to focus only on achieving the financial revenues that have inflamed the backs of citizens.
The Director of the General Administration of Traffic Police, Police General Siraj Mansour, is expected to think outside the box and work on developing and improving the working environment instead of focusing on collection silver.
The General Administration of Traffic Police has transformed itself into a fiscal unit affiliated with the Ministry of Finance and seeks to satisfy it by establishing only financial links, forgetting its other roles.
The Director of the General Administration of Traffic Police, Police General Siraj Mansour, is keen to collect these financial violations because he has an estimated share of them which is reflected in the form of incentives for officers, non-commissioned officers and members of the police. traffic police.
I have not heard or seen any clear vision from the Director of the General Administration of Traffic Police, Police General Siraj Mansour, to develop and improve this vital revenue facility.
The income of the traffic police in Khartoum State before the war was equivalent to 3 times the income of all localities in Khartoum State, including the localities of Khartoum, Khartoum Bahri and Omdurman.
The Director General of Police Force, Lieutenant General Khaled Hassan, is required to take a stand and follow this administration and the services it has rendered and the money it has received in the form of settlements and financial violations .
The Traffic Police deserves a break in order to evaluate and evaluate its performance over the past period, in addition to knowing its future plans.
Unfortunately, the traffic police has become a place for reconciling the financial situation of officers, due to the abundance of financial incentives, they strive and mobilize all their connections and abilities to wear white khaki, and they are very sad when they leave this. a cash cow that produces milk 24 hours a day.
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