Traffic Police… excess or negligence in law enforcement ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

These days, the traffic police in Port Sudan, the administrative capital, are carrying out major traffic control campaigns and inspections of private and public vehicles with a view to revising the license.

Unfortunately, traffic police have become their first and last concern: collecting fines and immediate settlements for violators without considering humanitarian aspects.

The country is witnessing a brutal war that has led to the displacement of thousands of citizens who have taken refuge in various neighboring countries. Citizens of safe states are living in critical economic conditions due to the loss of their sources of income, but the traffic police are using heavy means. sticks and whips to inflame the backs of citizens with these fines.

I don't know where these people come from. I mean the traffic police in Port Sudan. They treat citizens harshly and do not take into account their conditions and psychological state.

The Port Sudan City Traffic Police has been transformed into a fiscal unit affiliated with the Red Sea State Ministry of Finance, seeking with all its might to realize the financial budget assigned to it, and even more so in order to obtain financial incentives for the traffic police personnel.

Due to improper parking, the traffic police were forced to remove the license plates without informing the owner, who was surprised by the case, and a dangerous phenomenon appeared: unknown persons remove these license plates and use them for other purposes.

The normal situation is when the license plates are removed by the traffic police. A clearly visible sign should be placed on the front of the car's windshield so that the vehicle owner knows that his plates are on the traffic police side.

Port Sudan City Traffic Police personnel are required to undergo specialized courses on how to deal with the public and take into account the ABCs of human interaction arts.

We were very happy with the arrival of the new Director of Traffic Police in Red Sea State, Brigadier General Khalid Police. We thanked God and gave him some comments and advice to improve his performance, but he paid no attention to them and drowned in the daily details that took up all his time.

Traffic police officers in Port Sudan take away the driver's license from the car driver when he commits an offense, but they do not inform him of any place where he can go to pay the amount of the offense, so the citizen is forced to search several places for days in search of the one whose license was taken away by the traffic police officers, and this phenomenon continues to be repeated throughout the day.

A citizen's ignorance of the law deprives him of his most fundamental rights, so it is necessary to familiarize oneself with the highway code to protect one's legitimate rights.

Registering vehicles on time and complying with the law helps the citizen a lot and avoids the harm of committing violations stipulated in the text of the traffic code.

The traffic police is not entirely responsible for the immediate settlement of violations. It includes other aspects, the most important of which is the quality and road education of road partners, with the aim of reducing traffic violations.

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