Traitors of the Cairo Conference.. The heroes of dignity have responded ✍️ Dr Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeir See More

The Sudanese people, united with their armed forces, are more or less specialized in understanding and absorbing all the conspiratorial and suspicious movements of shameless traitors and advance under the leadership of Abdel Dirham Hamdok, whenever the signs of victory appear and the decisive battlefield approaches for the Rapid Support rebellion due to the painful strikes it has recently received on different fronts and axes, especially in the Al-Manaqil and Sennar axes, Omdurman, Khartoum, El Fasher and others…

The bats of darkness, including traitors and shameless agents, came forward, led by Hamdok, and took with them all the rebellious and corrupt people, the scum of traitors and agents, and their masters, the people of iqal and the hoarders of forbidden money… They all gathered at the Cairo conference two days ago and competed in embellishing and embellishing the manifestations of treason and collusion against their homeland and glorifying speeches that amount to between… The criminal rapid support and our armed forces, to whom to embrace all defenseless citizens fleeing from all the villages and cities attacked by the Rapid Support… And while they also fulfill their duties of loyalty and obedience to their sponsors who have the right and the money…. Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, leader of the Justice and Equality Movement, surprises them and, with strong and confident words, puts the points on the letters, explaining that the war is actually a war started by Rapid Support, its sponsors and its sponsors against the Sudanese people, and he added, asking a question, logically, it is clear and overwhelming to the public, which is the case. that the truth is that Rapid Support is the one that killed, looted, raped and occupied the houses and destroyed public and private properties. So how can he ask all these victims and the owners of these destroyed properties to stop the war and negotiate. instead of asking the perpetrator of these crimes, which is Rapid Support, to stop its attacks and leave the homes of citizens and civilian properties and gather in the camps, as stipulated in the Jeddah Agreement, which disavowed Rapid Support from implementing its provisions…….

In defiance and denial of all the facts mentioned by Dr. Jibril Ibrahim in his speech, the conspirators of the Cairo Conference insisted on issuing a boring statement, full of ambiguities and contradictions, and which did not include any condemnation of all the crimes of the Rapid Movement. The support and its political incubators of shameless and progressive parties, which they engaged against defenseless citizens, were also equated with the army by a defender of his people and rapid support for the aggressor against the Sudanese people…

It did not take long for the heroes of the Battle of Dignity to respond to the results of the Cairo conspirators' conference, with words and not deeds, as the heroes of the Battle of Dignity rose up on all the fields of the Battle of Dignity. Dignity, carrying their lives on their hands and their palms in their pockets, swearing and confident in the victory of God for the Sudanese people over all the conspirators, traitors inside and outside the country, and with their trumpets. paid pens were distributed in many media and social media platforms to destroy all the dens of treason and fraud, and to drink the Al-Dagalo terrorist militia the cups of defeat and mass death, and to give them harsh lessons on all fronts and on all axes. of combat.

They sent a clear and clear message to all supporters and sponsors of Rapid Support and those who cooperate with it, that all their movements and whispers, even in their secret councils and dark rooms, are monitored and documented, and that the sword of justice in the battle of dignity will come to them, and on that day, those who have done wrong will know against whom they will turn….

In the words of the heroes of the Battle of Karama, we evoke the afflictions of the Sudanese people, to which the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the People's Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, affirmed his adherence. , which are….

First… No negotiations with Rapid Support and its political incubators of shameless traitors and progress led by Abdul Dirham and the dollar Abdullah Hamdok and their sponsors and partners from oppressive and aggressive countries…

Secondly… there is no acceptance of just solutions and continuation of the Battle of Dignity until the martyrdom of the last soldier or until the Battle of Dignity achieves its goals, the most important of which is to defeat the rebellion and its incubators, eradicate its cancer, and impose complete sovereignty over the entire territory, capabilities and resources of the country…

Thirdly… there is no place or participation in power, at any legislative or executive level, or participation in the political process for all the shameless traitors who advanced under the leadership of Hamdok Al-Fashlouk throughout the period of establishment, national construction and reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war…

Fourth… Do not hesitate to wage the legal battle of dignity to force the UAE, its agents and the countries participating in the global conspiracy against Sudan to pay full compensation for all the crimes committed by the Rapid Support, the protégé and agent of the UAE, which included murder, theft, looting, intimidation, rape, asylum, displacement and destruction of public property, as well as the private sector, destroying the state infrastructure and disrupting all services to citizens….

In light of this legendary firmness and unprecedented cohesion between the army and the Sudanese people, all the countries supporting the Rapid Support, secretly and publicly, have come to review their positions and return to their correctness after being convinced that the will of the people is invincible and the battle may be prolonged, but in the end, the Sudanese people are victorious, with the will and strength of God…

If the people ever wanted to live, destiny would have to answer

The night must end and the chains must be broken…

With God's permission, His help and the truth of His promise, great good news and generous gifts from God will descend upon us in the coming days, and Port Sudan Airport will subsequently become a Kaaba for visitors from very important countries, old friends and repentant enemies of yesterday, to declare their repentance after gaining the certainty that they will not slip in. There is no doubt that the Sudanese people are a proud and dignified people, ready to die in sacrifice for them, no matter how great the sacrifices are and how expensive the dowry is for the Sudanese dignity. The spokesman of the Sudanese people repeatedly says… He who asks for a beautiful woman will not give her the dowry…

God is great.. God is great.. God is great. Glory belongs to Sudan and the Sudanese people… and a tribute to all the heroes of the battle of dignity who are stationed in the trenches, and shame and shame to them. the shameless traitors of progress and their sponsors in the hotels…

May you always be safe…

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