Transforming Political Goals into Strategic Military Objectives: The Importance of Human Power and Tangible Factors in Military Planning ✍️ Dr. Al-Nazir Ibrahim Abu Sil

📍For military/theater strategic objectives, the most important tangible elements of the force factor are the overall size/composition of the armed forces and individual services prior to hostilities and their expected expansion in war, the size/composition of strategic reserves and force reinforcements, the overall number/quality of major weapons, and strength. Firepower, strategic mobility, etc. As for the intangible elements of the power factor, they are mostly related to the human factor, and the most important of these elements is related to the military factor. /theater strategic objective is the national will to fight, the cohesion of the alliance/coalition, the quality of strategic leadership and the integrity of the common/joint doctrine, morale/discipline and combat readiness of the armed forces and individuals. Such elements cannot be expressed in quantitative terms but only in very general terms: low, medium, high or excellent, healthy, unhealthy!?️

📍The process of transforming political goals into strategic military goals is the first and most important step before the actual use of armed forces in war, and the personal characteristics, experience and wisdom of senior military leaders are of exceptional importance in the whole process!? ️

📍 Strategic military leaders must inform their political counterparts about the purpose and scope of the military objective or theater strategic objective. Otherwise, the danger lies in the incompatibility of these objectives with political objectives, and at the same time, political leaders must ensure the availability of sufficient forces to achieve the military objective or theater strategic objective!?️

📍 Every effort should be made to avoid common mistakes such as overestimating one's own military capabilities and underestimating the capabilities of the enemy. An assessment of military capabilities will be very incomplete if the focus is primarily or worse on materials. The strengths and weaknesses of human factors must be an integral part of any analysis of friendly and enemy military capabilities.

🔴Transforming the political objective into a strategic military objective📌

✍️ The research is based on the latest research on wars and military operations in America and Europe.

Dr. Al-Nadir Abu Sil

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