Transitional Sovereignty Council – declaration

In a heinous crime that hits humanity, the Rapid Support Terrorist Militia committed a heinous massacre against defenseless civilians in the village of Wad Al-Noura, Al-Jazeera State, which claimed their lives to a large number of innocent citizens. This heinous crime adds to the series of crimes committed by this rebel militia in many states of Sudan. These are criminal acts that reflect the systematic behavior of these militias who target civilians, loot their property and forcibly remove them from their areas.

The Sovereignty Council, referring to this documented crime, calls on the international community and human rights organizations to condemn and denounce these crimes and to hold accountable the perpetrators of the terrorist acts of the Rapid Support Militia , in application of the principle of non-impunity.

The Transitional Sovereignty Council pities the martyrs of this tragedy, asking Almighty God to accept them well and inspire their families and loved ones with patience and good condolences.

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