Treatment with cauterization of jaundice! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Yasser Al-Atta has already stated very clearly that vulgar evil still has its forms in the executive apparatus and the civil service, notably the ambassadors you chose (delusional) when you assumed the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Perhaps our ambassador to the government. Emirates is one of those flaws that have plagued the ambassador corps. These flaws were named after the massacre you committed. The so-called Empowerment Committee is known for firing dozens of ambassadors and people with diplomatic experience, of which the state and abroad were proud. Before. The paper revolution!

The first thing they did, the passengers of the limited revolution, was to attack the joints of the state in the civil service, and perhaps the Communist Party, the Baath Party and the genitives, at that ( a trifle)! From the other gelatinous parties, they began to quickly enforce the order and brought in cadres, some of whom wore camouflage clothing, some of whom fled and are still wandering the streets of different capitals, homeless and humiliated, and some stayed on the job. in secret, and they are the most dangerous.

From each of their ministers, we know only failures, starting with their leader, Hamdok, and passing through each of them. We neither heard nor saw their work plans, nor did we see them cutting a ribbon for the opening of a department. or a development center. On the contrary, most of them imitated Conan's characters by digging for the remains, and they were busy with that, so they failed, because the barbarian snake's burrow would bite it. While he didn't know it, someone wasted Sudanese dollars during (Hosha. Indicate)! When the Queen of America sang to him (Al-Aweer… Find Leah… He Came!), he lost all concern in his ministry, looking for idolaters, and did not even open a corner.

For the sake of truth and history, we deeply regret having witnessed in our lives a vulgar political drama from which we have only gained (bitter sorrel) and from which we only hear its sponsors (the speech of the birds in Al-Baqir) and the appearance of (Hamad and Tara Khojali)! And (the machinations of Raya and Sakina and the two deceitful people)! But their remains are still there, they must be amputated

Leaders have begun to correct the measures that have set this country back political light years, and for the life of me they are organizing advances by selecting new elements to keep pace with the next step, but their pace is slow. We must hurry to wash away what is rotten and replace it with what is better.

From my platform I look… where I see… The political wheeze disease, which I left behind and which infects others, is not relieved by antibiotics or painkillers, but by three cauterizations… Did you hear? .

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