Trench politics and the fall of cities – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, lawyer

The reality is different, and situations are explained by facts…

But this does not provide any comfort…

Actions on the ground are disappointing…

Every moment is a mirage and every moment is a frustration…

The silence is very deafening…

Destruction, murder of innocents, looting of property…

Sinja, Abu Hajjar, Al-Dali, Al-Mazmoum, Al-Suki…

The administrative unit of Maierno is in the hands of the rebellion…

Sugar and the western mountains are under his control…

What remains of the state of Sennar, but remains…

Siege imposed on Al-Sukkar and Jabal

Moya, Maierno and Suki…

Death threatens on all sides, and the pain of fear…

The evidence for Tambur's strengths went beyond what he said…

Let's talk about drilling with a needle and invisible victory…

The strange thing is that he didn't mention Suki…

Regarding Major General Al-Rabie's failure to comply with his obligations…

Its contractual obligations to protect citizens against…


It is painful for people to go out to celebrate the rebellion…

Some of them, women and men, came out lying down…

With the order of rebellion, arrogance, humiliation and humiliation in return…

They wear rags and advance towards the unknown…

They left their belongings behind, silently and without recourse…

The question is where did the army disappear to and why?

Sennar is tightly besieged here and there…

For General Al-Rabie, the moment of truth has arrived…

Either you fight or you die, there are two things that have no third…

There is no middle ground, the withdrawal is shameful…

Why did Madani fall seven months ago?

Al-Burhan on December 18, 2023 in Madani

He said it was (50 to 60) thousand men gathered…

It fell easily and the number was filled

The sun, without forgetting the Hantoub bridge.

Why weren't you free for a moment, why wait…

When you ask the question, some people throw stones at you…

Don't ask questions about things that seem bad to you…

Military plans are none of your business…

Do not boast of what you do not know, even if cities fall…

Don't reveal your feelings, otherwise you will be traitors…

What is happening is a sad fate…

Why did Singa, Dinder and Suki fall?

Before that, the cities of the West continued to fall one by one…

Humiliation, humiliation, rain and slow death…

Wading through the rotten water porridge of teeth…

Their sorrows have not been washed away by the rain, and they will not…

The embers of sadness burn, and prayer and prayer…

Spring is waiting for the Day of Resurrection, the afternoon to move forward…

Silence surrounds the space of movement and asylum…

Speech is powerful, silence speaks powerfully…

You see spring appearing, announcing, applauding, growing…

Militia enters silk mills in Suki

He kills in cold blood without blinking…

Football is the best means of defense and attack…

The youngest coach knows it, the one who defends accepts it.

Nobody learned anything and nobody came to talk to us…

The policy of experimenting with what has proven itself has led us to humiliation…

The withdrawal policy expressed its disappointment…

Is this the plan of the command and control room…

If so, didn't it prove useless?

Isn't it expensive? We've lost a lot and it continues…

Lives were destroyed, cities were terrified, families were injured…

The climax of the rebellion came in every city it entered…

It took a long time to suppress the rebellion

Everywhere, as soon as possible…

We are tired of waiting for him to die…

Repeating the experiment will not lead to different results.

Major General Al-Rabie and those accompanying him will be questioned one day

Imam Aziz Muqtadir on what happened…

Why didn't you inform the citizen to leave earlier?

The rebellion has invaded the localities of Sennar…

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