Umm Rawaba – The Hunter's Creep West ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*At a time when regional councils in North Kordofan were named after tribes, such as Hamar Rural Council, Kababish Rural Council and Badiriyah Rural Council, the name of East Kordofan Rural Council, with its capital, Umm Rawaba. , was given to this council, knowing that it is the capital of the Al-Jawaama tribe, and that the name did not come from a vacuum, because it is rural in the context of societal coexistence and acceptance of others. this region, and a study was previously carried out to make Umm Rawaba the administrative capital of Sudan. Due to its central location, it is completely in the middle of Sudan. East Kordofan Rural Council includes each of the East Kordofan rural councils, the capital of which is Umm Rawaba, Al-Rahad, Umm Dam Haj Ahmed Al-Rahad, Sharqila and Wad. Ashana, Al-Sameeh, Abu Hamra, Um Saiqoun, Al-Zariba, Al-Qudayim, Al-Ghabsha Al-Mahatta, Al-Ghabsha Badin, Umm Ash, Al-Rajila, Al-Sidra and Jabal Al-Daer Reserve , and its administrative units are Sharqila and Wad Ashana. In the center of Umm Rawaba and on the edge to the south is the locality. Al-Abbasiyah is a city, to the east is the White Nile, to the north is the locality of Jabra and to the west is the locality of Shikan. It encompasses Umm Rawaba Jabal Al-Dayer and the region of Sidra, Khor Abu Habal (Al-Sisban). ), which extends from Al-Rahad in the east, then from Umm Rawaba, passing through Sharkila and Al-Ghabsha to Tandelti, was located in the area of the current and after the construction of the railway line White Kosti The. the town of Umm Rawaba was established at its current location*
*From an economic point of view, the city of Umm Rawaba is considered a city of oilseed production and petroleum industry, in addition to the production of gum arabic. We can say that the oil industry developed significantly in 1978, but there was. a collapse of this industry and the factories were moved to Bahri due to the presence of industrial elements there, taking into account the rough roads and lack of electric power, where large quantities of livestock. in the southern part, and camels and sheep in the north are famous. Also in the making of local cheeses*
*Umm Rawaba stands out as a beacon among the beacons of the Holy Quran, and the people of the Quran include Sheikh Abu Azza Bam Ushra, Sheikh Abdul Rahim Al-Borai, Sheikh Tamim, Sheikh Wad Al-Ajouz en Al-Manara, Sheikh Al -Shaiqi and others came from Umm Rawaba the reciter Sheikh Noureen, Sheikh Al-Zain Muhammad Ahmed, dozens of Quran reciters and thousands of Quran memorizers and. The first secondary school for boys was established in 1977 in the town of Umm Rawaba and is the responsibility of the community. For the traders of Umm Rawaba, as for the primary and secondary school, it had already been created since the beginning of 1927. Umm Rawaba enjoys excellent surface and underground water, since the governor general of Sudan came from Laden, Negat Pasha and Kuchtner bringing drinking water from Umm Rawaba Geographically, the Umm Rawaba region is divided into two parts, the southern strip, which is characterized by clayey lands. Certain coves and sandy lands in the northern strip (Gaizan) are famous for the cultivation of sesame and millet*.
*Umm Rawaba can be said to have donated to Sudan dozens of financiers and economic figures who played a major role in the economy, including Sheikh Mustafa Al-Amin, Abdul-Qadir Haj Al-Safi, Awlad Malik, Muhammad Saleh Kufti, Al-Titil Omar Othman, Al-Fateh Khalil and his brothers, Babakir Muhammad Ahmad, Qabbani, Ibrahim Amunia Mansour Al-Rih, Muhammad Suleiman Al-Jak Kagana and others among the financial and businessmen, Umm Rawaba also introduced Lieutenant General Abdul Majid. Hamed Khalil, Lieutenant General Hassan, Lieutenant General Muhammad Bashir Suleiman, Major General Al-Madi and others, and among the symbols of the company, presented the director, Tayeb Haroun, Mayor Ahmed Ali of Umm Dam region, Mayor Bashir Al-Obaid of Muzdalifah region, Mayor Abu Qarun of Al-Sita region, Prince Al-Tijjani Odon from Sharkyla region, Mayor Siddiq Katra from Al-Sarhaya region, Mayor Al-Arabi and Mayor Musa Wadjan from the region. Dayer, Mustafa Kibar, Muawiyah Al-Manna, Zain Al-Abidin, Abdullah Hamouda, Al-Salawi and Ahmed Wadi and many others*
*At these times, on December 5, 2024, the armed forces are engaged in very fierce fighting with the rebel Rapid Support militia, where the Sayyad movement is making great progress in the battle in light of the significant retreat and the sudden and rapid collapse of Rapid Support. Support the militias after their leader Barshim fled the battlefield and destroyed the terror coming from the south in a few hours, and Umm Rawaba will return to the arms of the motherland, and from there the hunter's motive will continue its march to the west , and the country. the hunter will meet the lions of the camel, and the belt of victory will not stop. Victory will occur until the armies meet at El Fasher and from there to Nyala, with the will and strength of God, and from Umm Rawaba the advance will begin*.