Under the sponsorship of the Zakat Office, the locality of Shindi launches a project to support those injured during operations

As part of the regular and continuous program of the Zakat Office aimed at supporting the segments of society represented by needy families and expatriates, in addition to standing alongside the armed forces who are waging the Battle of Dignity against the militia rebel Rapid Support, the Executive Director of the locality of Shendi, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, inaugurated the project to support the injured during operations that the Zakat Office supports in the locality of Shendi, and he honored it, in the presence of the State Security Committee and the Director of General Administration. of Culture, Media and Communication, and Director of State Social Affairs.

For his part, the executive director of the locality of Shendi, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, praised the great role played by the Zakat Office in supporting the armed forces, represented by supporting the wounded during operations, in addition support for expatriates and families in need. .

Khaled added that this support is part of the efforts of the locality with all its components to provide a healthy and therapeutic environment for the injured, praising the Zakat office in Nile State and the Zakat office in the locality of Shendi for their appreciated efforts. in the implementation of this project.

In the same context, Mr. Ayoub Ahmed Abdel Majid, director of the Zakat Office in the locality of Shendi, confirmed that the strategy of the Office is to stand at this stage alongside the armed forces, expatriates and families in the need.

Ayoub stressed that the project is considered a continuous extension of assistance to the injured and the provision of all their attacks, noting that this project contains food and medicines at a cost amounting to 15/560/000 million of books.

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