Under the title: Health is everyone's business

* Aware of the scale of the humanitarian catastrophe that has suffocated this northern state and of the signs of the spread of malaria and cholera, and convinced that prevention is better than cure*.

*Residency at Al-Wefaq Hospital in Qatar*

* Hosted by Dr. Awad Yacoub, director of the hospital. And his war staff, including Dr. Nazik Al-Bishri, medical director of the hospital, and a group of men and women doctors, laboratory technicians and pharmacists.

*They organized a free medical convoy under the title: Health is everyone's business*

*It is at the Martyr Al-Zubayr Muhammad Saleh Center in Dongola Al-Ajouz (Al-Qaddar) in Shamil* *The following specialties*

*Internal Medicine ✓ Ear, Nose and Throat ✓ Orthopedics ✓* *General Surgery ✓ Pediatrics ✓ Public Health Specialist, Preventive Medicine Service ✓ Medical Examinations ✓ Medications and Treatments ✓*

*In addition to medical specialties, Dr. Fadwa Ibrahim, a public health specialist in the Department of Preventive Medicine, played an effective role in giving a lecture on cholera and explaining the symptoms of the disease and how to prevent it*.

*A quantity of treatments and chlorine was also distributed to purify drinking water. A number of houses, ponds, swamps and places where water could accumulate were also sprayed.

*It was a day full of activity and public reaction, as more than two hundred cases were detected in various specialties*.

*Dr. Nazik Al-Bishri, medical director of the hospital, also thanked the patient for his interest and presence*

*I thanked the organizing committee for the day and its good organization which allowed the day to run smoothly*.

*In conclusion, Mr. Hamid Ali Tabed/Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee and Brother* *Muhammad Abu Bakr spoke and recorded a voice of thanks to the doctors for the excellent health services they provided to their families*

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