Under wise leadership: The Ministry of Production achieves impressive achievements ✍️ Section of Mr. Abdel Wahab

In the name of God the Merciful

✍️ Deputy Pensioner of the Police Department, Mr. Abdul Wahab

A word of truth about a man who deserves appreciation and respect. At the beginning, I say that it is not normal for me to praise or criticize anyone, God forbid, but it is a testimony of God and history.

The Ministry of Production and Economic Resources is one of the ministries that provide services to the public and is one of the most beautiful, noble and humane professions, especially its connection with the farmers segment. It provides its productive services to the entire Sudanese population. without exception and makes an effective contribution to the national economy. May God bless him with his greatness. The distinguished brother Hussein Abdel Ghafour Awad, Director General of the Ministry of Production and Resources, is a man of excellence and exceptional leadership, and he has great experience in the field of administration and leadership. He worked very hard, with his travels inside and outside the state, to reconcile the conditions of the farmers, by providing all the labor aids, seeds and fertilizers, which were necessary. distributed free of charge to all the farmers of the State, which helped in production and productivity and went a long way in providing its crops to the citizens of this State and those coming from other States and in filling the food deficit of the State and all the areas where agriculture was stopped because of this damn war.

And agriculture in the locality of Dongola is one of the departments of his ministries. The man chose for this a suitable man to lead this locality, a man with high morals and his distinguished relations with the citizens with a big smile and politeness, and with his kindness and humility. In other words, he imposed his respect and appreciation and earned the respect of the citizen. This is his son, Ammar Abdul Qadir Muhammad Othman, and he lined up a library of employees and employees, who even sacrifice a lot of their time. late in the working day, for the comfort of their citizens, despite some citizens who shout in their faces, and they do not pay attention to him and do not respond to them in a positive way, and the people of this constellation, whom we cannot reward, and letters and words cannot describe their sacrifices to serve their citizens. We have no choice but to raise the palm of our prayers to Almighty God, grant them success, as well as to their hierarchy, who placed the right man in the right place, and to whom we recommend to reward this constellation with achievements in recognition of their beautiful and distinguished services rendered to their citizens.

(Not an opinion as from someone who has heard)

We ask God for success and prosperity for all employees of the Ministry of Production and State Economic Resources in its seven localities. We ask God for victory for our armed forces, police, security and those on alert, as well as a speedy recovery for all the wounded and the return of the missing.

Victory and conquest are near

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