Values ​​of authenticity and return to roots ✍️Taha Haroun Hamed

The social and economic challenges facing Sudan today highlight the need to return to the noble values ​​that have shaped the fabric of Sudanese society throughout the ages. These values ​​which combine coexistence, fraternity, harmony, love and tolerance. These are values ​​from an ancient heritage and traditions that lived in the desert, the tree, the rakuba and the markets of Umm Doror.

The Values ​​of Al-Dhara, the Tree and Al-Rakuba In Sudan, Al-Dhara, the Tree and Al-Rakuba were symbols of social life that brought together members of society from all walks of life. Al-Dharaa was the place where people gathered to have meals, exchange news and experiences, resolve disputes and consult on matters of life. The tree was a symbol of shade, protection and contemplation, and the rakaba was a symbol of hospitality, generosity, generosity and generosity.

Umm Doror Markets

The markets of Umm Doror represent a model of fair trade and social communication between Bedouins and residents of villages and towns. In these markets, goods and ideas are exchanged and relationships are strengthened between different groups in society. These markets were places of diversity, cooperation, mutual respect and strengthening of social bonds through football matches (organization of a league on behalf of others, wrestling matches, etc.).

Reject hate speech

One of the most important steps in rebuilding Sudanese society is rejecting hate speech and violence. Positive discourse calling for tolerance and mutual respect must be encouraged. Education and awareness play an important role. School programs and the media can help spread the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence.

These phases signify a return to traditional lifestyles that depend on movement, animal husbandry and simple agriculture. This life teaches patience, endurance and teamwork, which are fundamental values ​​that can contribute to the reconstruction of the social fabric. Cooperation between nomads and indigenous people is necessary to strengthen mutual understanding and achieve sustainable development.

Strengthen the social fabric

Strengthening the social fabric between nomads and local populations is a priority. This objective can be achieved through joint initiatives that strengthen cooperation and understanding between the two parties. The establishment of joint agricultural and development projects can help achieve this objective, as long as everyone cooperates to achieve common prosperity.


Rebuilding Sudanese society is not an easy task, but it is possible by returning to the noble values ​​that have shaped the social fabric throughout the ages. Coexistence, fraternity, harmony, love and tolerance are the values ​​that must be at the heart of our efforts. By rejecting hate speech and working to repair the social fabric, we can build a strong and cohesive Sudanese society that enjoys peace and harmony.

Rebuilding Sudanese society with the values ​​of authenticity and tolerance

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