Victory will come, God willing, and thanks to the support of the popular resistance to our heroic – cowardly – army ✍️ Abdel Salam Al-Qaray

God willing, victory is near. How could it be otherwise? Our armed forces work according to well-thought-out military plans, since the army is waging unconventional warfare called (urban warfare). Jordanian state commanders say rebel forces are “cowardly” because they fight in citizens' homes and hospitals.

Therefore, our armed forces are fighting with high-quality tactics, precision and extreme care to eliminate the rebels and break their power, without significant losses in the ranks of our valiant forces.

Victory is coming, but it has become close for those who see it as distant. The evidence is that rebel forces began to flounder, committing massacres against defenseless citizens.

Victory will come to those who have confidence in the capabilities of our armed forces

Victory is close as long as the Sudanese people, through their popular resistance, participate strongly and effectively in the accomplishment of the national mission.

The mission of Sudan's presence among the countries is that of a country with a long history in major issues at the regional and international levels.

Victory comes to defeat the rebellion that fights on behalf of the arrogant countries, led by America, which has proven, through its evasions and dirty tricks, that it achieves its interests at the expense of the interests of the people, and the History preserves for America has a dark record towards the people, especially the people of Sudan, who suffered under the fire of economic sanctions imposed under the Kizan government.

Therefore, the Sudanese people must remain vigilant, block the path of anyone who dares to undermine Sudan's capabilities, tarnish its reputation and undermine its dignity.

As is known, the Sudanese people are a reluctant people who reject humiliation and humiliation.

It is therefore natural that the Sudanese people rise up through their popular resistance, supporting their armed forces to repel the external aggression blessed by America and its supporters in the countries of the region and the main colonial powers.

Good news, our people, for victory is near, God willing

All that is expected of the Sudanese people is a firm stance on the armed forces and equipment.

Oh my God, grant victory to our armed forces over your enemies and the enemies of the Sudanese homeland, including rebels, traitors and mercenaries.

May you stay safe and healthy

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