Wad Al-Noura and Faza Al-Kawahila ✍️ Bakri Al-Madani

*The Janjawid militia attacked Wad al-Noura with great force and from an open area, with heavy weapons and clear movements. It was possible for the army to strike this force from the air, attack it on open ground and eliminate it – according. in our opinion and the army knows better -*!!

*A few days ago I attended a session for our Kawahila people in Port Sudan where there was a lot of talk about the spread of the Kawahila in Sudan and how it is the most great tribe of all, because it includes important tribes. in almost all of Sudan.*

*I remember arguing with them in the pluralism above that the Kawahila are not a tribe in that sense, but rather an ethnic group like the Beja, the Atawa and the Zarqa, which is a group that includes tribes that end in a single lineage. and it's not just one tribe*

*Since the declaration of alert, the organization of popular resistance and the Kawahila stampede on the ground, I thought that the balance was tense and that the Kawahila areas – at a minimum – would become safe.

* Whenever a club was called for a demonstration, the huts filled the Al-Dawim Plateau until they were overflowing with men and weapons. These crowds resulted in a battalion named after the grandfather, Al-Zubair bin Al-Awwam, that is. currently present in the Al-Manaqil camps, I believe.

*I believed, and still believe, that the Kawahila's decision to protect their areas – at the very least – would deter the Janjaweed and make them think a thousand times before targeting a Kawahila area.

*The communities who stood together and faced the Janjaweed have immortalized their names and images in the history of this war. Among the urban communities we mention the inhabitants of Al-Abyad, Babanusa and Al-Fasher, and among the tribal communities we present Dar Hamid. , Hamar and Al-Kababish, and this is for mention and not limited to *

*Resistance in a civil and tribal manner has been imposed by the nature of this war and its equations, and the Kawahila have no choice but to fight this war by its nature and its equations*

*Even normalization with the Janjaweed will not protect the Kawahila, as the Pillars have no agreement with them. Otherwise, we would have advised the Kawahila, among the options offered, to resort to coexistence with the occupation, but in this way they lost everything and succeeded. Nothing.

*The Kawahila have no choice but to close ranks and rearm by providing large weapons and calling on their sons from the regular forces and retired officers with military experience to jointly protect the land, the 'honor, royalty and revenge!!*

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