Wad Al Noura.. Those who rejoice in death – beyond current events – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*You who are complaining, is the (negligence) of the army considered a reason to kill civilians and loot their property?*

*Militia grams will not be stopped by denunciation and denunciation statements*

*Popular resistance is the only way to put an end to the crimes of the militia and to defeat its plan of invasion and colonization*

*Defending oneself, one's property and one's honor is the honor and duty of believers, and it is the path to pride and dignity*

*The martyrs fall, civilians and soldiers, so that the homeland does not fall,*

May God have mercy on the martyrs of Wad Noura, more than a hundred martyrs and hundreds of wounded. The desecration of Wad Noura and the pillaging of the property of citizens, living and dead, entire families exterminated, a genocide without distinction. a child, an old man or a woman, a heinous crime with premeditation and premeditation, and a desperate attempt to bring the citizens to their knees and present a hideous example of what the situation would be like in any area entered by the country . Janjaweed. This is not the first massacre and it will not be the last. The Rapid Support Militia is still capable of attacking and pillaging safe villages in Jazeera, White Nile and Darfur. The militia will not execute anyone who tells them lies. encourages him to commit crimes against citizens. No one expects the international community to do anything, and boring data won't help turn back the clock. There is no difference between the genocidal war in Gaza and the Wad Al-Noura genocide. The international community defends its interests, and its interests in Sudan are to overthrow the state and dismantle the army.

What is regrettable is the emergence of groups of people who rejoice in the death of their citizens and their families, under the pretext of the existence of popular resistance in Wad Noura, and claim that it is reason enough to target her. justify the crime and condemn the people of Wad Noura and their martyrs, demanding their extermination and the looting of their property. What happened at Wad Al-Noura will change neither the logic of history nor the rules of geography, and the lie armed with barbarity. , hatred, the desire for revenge and the ease of killing will not prevail, and the Janjaweed will fail to break the determination, will and capacity of the Sudanese people to resist the new colonialism supported at the regional and international level, and the souls of the martyrs in Wad Noura, El Geneina, Zalingei and El Fasher will not be in vain.

It was neither patriotic nor ethical to blame the army for its presence at the time of the Wad al-Noura attack. It is naivety, carelessness, gloating over death and seeking senseless justifications, because the aggressor is the rapid support militia. area where the army is not present, and it is of course not possible. It is present in thousands of villages and regions, and it is a failed attempt to blame the army, which was not present to prevent the crime, and there is no talk about the crime.

O you who complain, is the (negligence) of the army considered a reason to kill civilians and loot their property? Others, without them, advised their citizens to flee the militia to avoid killing, and other members of the political forces allied with the militia issued declarations of humiliation and defeat, demanding that the murderers and criminals stop killing civilians.

What a disappointment and shame it is to be partners with the militia in every drop of blood shed, in every honor scorned and in every money plundered, and know, fools, that not everything you do will land you in the seats of power, wallowing in the mud of your betrayal, living your illusions by returning to the authority that was in your hands, but you didn't handle it well.

The militia will not be stopped by declarations of denunciation and denunciation. Popular resistance is the only way to put an end to its crimes and to defeat its plan of invasion and colonization. It is a duty and an honor that only believers know: to defend themselves, to earn money and honor. is a path to pride and dignity. Civilian martyrs fall and soldiers in pride and pride, so that the homeland does not fall and the eyes of cowards do not sleep.

June 6, 2024 AD

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