Waiting for Dawn in the Silence of the Night – On a Quiet Fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕In the silence of the night, when the world falls asleep and minds rest, waiting for dawn remains a daily ritual for dreamers and meditators.

⭕ Dawn brings them a glimmer of hope and renewed determination to face the new challenges that are imposed on them day after day.

⭕This waiting is not an easy matter, because it requires patience and strength in the face of the painful reality imposed by wars and conflicts on the earth and its inhabitants.

⭕ Waiting for dawn in the silence of the night is like waiting for the light that pierces the darkness of wars and crises. Individuals are eagerly awaiting the dawn of a new dawn that will end the suffering caused by conflicts and strife in every corner of the country.

⭕ Dawn represents a symbol of salvation and a new beginning, where hopes are woven and hearts yearn for a life in peace and tranquility.

⭕ Wars pass from one city to another, leaving indelible marks in the memories of generations.

⭕ Cities that were once places of life and activity are transformed into ruins that tell stories of destruction and devastation.

⭕ The impact left by war is not limited to physical destruction, but also goes beyond destroying the social fabric and sowing the seeds of division and hatred among the people of a single nation.

Stories of loss, hunger and displacement fill the corridors of war-torn societies.

⭕ The mass exodus of residents in search of safety elsewhere, in which they see a glimmer of hope for a better life.

⭕ These stories are repeated everywhere, where children and women are most affected by the scourge of fighting and the lack of stability.

⭕Militias and shadows of corruption

In the light of war, militias arise that wreak havoc on the territory, taking lives and ruining honor without being able to deter them.

⭕ Under multiple slogans, discord is sown and division is perpetuated, which exacerbates the suffering of the population and hinders any attempt at peaceful coexistence and reconstruction. Coexistence at the mercy of these groups becomes a major challenge that the nation and its people face at every moment.

Despite the horrors and challenges ravaging the nation, the pulse of hope remains alive in the hearts of the people.

⭕ They realize that hope is the lifeline that allows them to restore and rebuild their homeland. They look forward to the wisdom and leadership that will redraw a road map toward peace and stability, away from despair and fragmentation.

⭕ Working towards unity of ranks and building bridges of brotherhood among the peoples of the country is the first step towards realizing this hope.

⭕The journey of nations and peoples throughout history proves that after darkness always comes dawn. At the heart of every crisis are opportunities for renewal and reconstruction.

⭕ Despite the difficult stage our nation is going through, we must not lose faith in our ability to rise again and transform the groans of the earth into an echo of bright hopes. The road is long and arduous, but with determination and solidarity, the long-awaited dawn will come.

🟢 Letters on fire 🔴

🟤 The groaning of the earth and the echo of hopes


In the silence of the night, people wait for dawn and ask for patience.

From one city to another, the war moves, leaving behind traces of destruction.

Loss, hunger and displacement are stories that resonate in the alleys of souls.

Where militias spread corruption, taking lives and squandering honor.

In every corner of the country, life is being pillaged by the horrors of war.

But hope still beats, and it needs wisdom and leadership that knows no despair.

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