Wakil Nazir al-Jaaleen: The war taking place in Sudan has nothing to do with tribalism

Deputy Chief Superintendent of the Jaaleen Tribes, Muhammad Ibrahim Wad Al-Bay, confirmed that the war taking place in Sudan has nothing to do with tribalism, but rather is part of an international and regional plan.

Wad Al-Bey said during the celebration organized by the Jaaleen Watchdogs to welcome the Rizeigat coordination delegation led by the guest, Issa Aliyu, who arrived in Shendi on a tour that included a number of states, he said the tribes agreed on unity. of Sudan and strove to preserve the social fabric from any rupture and conflict that would eat away at the core of the nation.

Tribal Deputy Chief Superintendent Jaalin greeted the Rizeigat Coordination Committee, which arrived in Shendi to present its vision of this war, and stressed that the Rizeigat tribe had nothing to do with the war.

Wakil added that the armed forces are capable of defeating and eliminating the rebellion in a short time.

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