Walid Tariq Al-Fateh Al-Nour, This little one comes from this lion ✴️ Another angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

This wonderful city, the city of El-Obeid, continues to surprise us every day with its uniqueness, its distinction and the authentic character of its people. Every day we witness a smart initiative, and this time the initiative comes from the grandson of a man. A prominent man from Kordofan, a pioneer of regional journalism, inventor of the idea of ​​Arbor Day and owner of a literary salon that hosted beacons of literature and poetry at the level of the Arab world. The late Dr. Al-Fatih Al-Nour, whose name has always been synonymous with excellence and success, here is his grandson

Walid, who took the initiative to provide liquidity to banks for the benefit of retirees who suffer greatly due to their age, situation and dignity, in order to obtain a few thousand, which are the harvest of years of giving, generosity and altruism.

What Walid does is a moral and patriotic duty, especially in these circumstances. He diligently strives to collect money from the merchants, and he finds a lot of responses and noble positions from some merchants, and he also finds rejection and lack of response from some merchants. others, and from this angle, in the name of these great elders, in the name of patriotism and in the name of… Kordofan Al-Khair We call on everyone to respond to Walid's initiative so that we can honor these retirees.

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