War and negotiation for one result!! ✍️Bakri Al Madani

*President Al-Burhan's recent non-negotiation speech in Ma'aqil must be understood as part of the mobilization required in the context of place, time and situation*!

*The strategy adopted by the Burhan government is to end the rebellion between the options of military resolution and negotiation*

*Which of the two options is faster and better, the government will take it. These are two options that do not follow parallel paths and do not intersect, but rather follow a straight line that leads to an end result, which ends the story. rebellion.*

*The military decision is taken on the ground for defense and protection, but the negotiation option must not be abandoned if it leads more quickly to the same result*

*The end result of the negotiations undertaken by the government is the dismantling of the Rapid Support Institution and the conclusion of security arrangements leading to a single army.*

*The dismantling of rapid support and security arrangements will not waive the private right to prosecute any rapid support personnel who have committed a crime, regardless of its degree.*

*Negotiations on the dismantling of Rapid Support must be accepted, even if external platforms entrust this task to certain internal parties or personalities!!*

*If Rapid Support refuses to negotiate, thereby dismantling its institution under security arrangements that ultimately lead to a single army, then the military resolution will continue anyway, even if prolonged, according to internal and US estimates. !!*

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