War is a school whose master and teacher is the Sudanese army for those who want to learn – the witness – ✍️ Ahmed Al-Bathani

Every authentic and patriotic Sudanese, aware of what the country is exposed to, knows the extent of the steadfastness and sacrifices that our courageous soldiers have made and continue to make. The conspiracy appeared to be a provocation created by a challenge and by the men of the army. were professional and extraordinary. Their positions and their knowledge of the war have amazed experts, and numerous testimonies prove it. The difficulty was as great as the possibility of breaking and eliminating the centers of rebellion, for which they mobilized all their force. means of success, but they ignore that the Sudanese knights are beyond imagination, calculations and military tactics… Clashes which were almost impossible given the scale of the numbers that took place and thanks to the help and support that the militias found. …The concern of the Lord and the honesty of men have been the deadly force which has overcome the rebellion which is now dying out. The armed forces not only won militarily, but the victory extended to the media and diplomatically, as well as diplomatically. a spirit, strength and educational signals that permeated the minds of the Sudanese people, increased their confidence in their armed forces and gave them a sense of nobility and dignity.. which replaced the slogans of immorality and immorality with songs of strength and pride. And resilience… (One Army, One People) is not the only one to heal the wounds of the Sudanese conscience, to the extent that it has produced armies, morale, vocabulary, songs and positions that exposed the disappointed and cherished the original. , overcame slogans of humiliation and replaced them with meanings of manliness and chivalry. War was a school whose classes remain open to this day, teaching anyone who wishes. The teacher is the one who swept away the dust of humiliation and indignity. the front of his venerable people. The army fought its battle in all its aspects with competence, training and professionalism. The army media personnel were the most intelligent, and the army technicians were the most knowledgeable and wise, who followed honesty, logic and reason. mocking the media for lies and fabricating the reality of the battle despite the enormous capabilities of the enemy which were squandered in the face of the firmness and intelligence of the armed forces, which defeated and countered the cries of the pens, video clips and voices. of artificial intelligence, with constant errors, facts flowing around them, without noise, without groans other than their own, and without the conspiracy and direction of the paid media, so their cries have been in vain in the face to media with enormous capabilities that denied this. The Sudanese who founded and taught them. How can honesty be a slogan for the media? Salute to the armed forces who fought the battle of pride and dignity with professionalism and patience. They advance toward the good news of overwhelming victory. for the rebellion, which is at our gates, by the permission of the Lord and the sacrifices of men. Reality says that all that remains is to clean out the pockets of traitors and rebels who use citizens as human shields.

God is great and the glory belongs to the soldiers and people of Sudan.

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