We are all a military group… a Sphere symposium on the role of culture in unifying the consciousness of the Sudanese people

*We are all an army*

The group “We are all an army” was created

Sphere Symposium on *The Role of Culture in Unifying the Consciousness of the Sudanese People* Group Supervisor *Ali Shams Al-Falah* emphasized that culture is the main factor in building peoples and therefore we call on the ministry of Culture to play its role We must not forget that culture has a big role in unifying the consciousness of people. What culture does cannot be achieved by all politicians. The group members discussed the debates and deliberations in a high cultural spirit. came out with recommendations that we consider important and an action program that must be implemented. Here are the recommendations.

1- There is no doubt that culture is one of the greatest factors of knowledge between peoples, rather it is the secret of the attraction of peoples and tribes towards each other. This is why you will find that God Almighty has clearly stated this characteristic. out of a desire to protect and preserve it so that human communication does not stray from its purpose and be subject to breakage and loss. Rivalry is an alternative to knowledge, familiarity and love.

2- Acquire belonging, particularly through language which gives the individual a feeling of belonging to a community, because it is a language of communication and dialogue, and the Arabic language is the language of the Sudanese people.

3- Determine acceptable and unacceptable values, thus facilitating the organization of life between people and organizing their relationships with each other, which reduces societal differences between individuals.

4- A feeling of love, interconnection and care between members of society, linking them to a single story, thereby strengthening their unity and developing in them the spirit of patriotism.

5- Understand social customs and traditions by knowing how individuals interact and thus taking into account the different cultural norms of society and treating them accordingly, which contributes to the ability to coexist with various cultures that change over time. over time.

6- Sudan is a country that God has endowed with tribal diversity, which represents a social wealth that must be developed, strengthened and invested as a human resource. This can only be achieved by paying attention to the cultural component, looking for common cultural ties. , and disseminate them to strengthen the culture of the values ​​of peaceful coexistence, brotherhood and interdependence within the framework of the Sudanese identity which unites the Sudanese people.

7- Cultural components must be transmitted between generations, such as the intellectual component, literature, arts, languages ​​and heritage, and transferred between generations and purified from time to time according to the life changes that occur in Sudanese society.

8- Attention must be paid to the social component, which focuses on building the social fabric and preserving moral values ​​in all social systems (political, legal, religious, economic and educational), which in turn leads to the interdependence of the social fabric between the members of a society, then the knowledge of rights and duties to create societal balance and achieve development and growth, and all this is crystallized in the concept of national education and in the elevation and consolidation of the feeling of national belonging. belonging.

9- To support cultural diversity, there must be freedom of expression, media pluralism, linguistic pluralism, equal access to forms of expression and scientific and technological knowledge in their digital form, and the possibility for all cultures to be present in the means of expression. and publication.

10- It is necessary to provide guarantees for cultural diversity, which include respect for various cultural customs and traditions that do not pose a threat to identity, not imposing cultural values ​​and norms on others and freedom of opinion.

11- Culture has an important role in the education of individuals who have values ​​and customs that differ from one society to another, it seeks to preserve them and distinguishes itself from them, and it can develop with the society development. of a society that binds its members to each other by common characteristics, which affect decision-making and behavior, including preservation of the environment and love of the homeland, etc.

12- The role of culture is based on constituting its most important axis and duties towards society, young people and students by instilling love of the homeland, belonging to it and sincere patriotism in their soul and making it one of the established and established values. School curricula and media should strive to strengthen love of country and patriotism among generations and teach them that there is a higher purpose that goes beyond personal interests to achieve self-interest public and collectivism, as well as love of the homeland. for its land and its soil are the highest and highest goals, and that we make of the construction of the homeland, of its preservation, of its defense, and of our contribution and work to its uplift and its development, the goal of all our children who work, train and learn in this way. , we make love of the homeland and patriotism instilled in all the children and young people of my country.

13- Culture is what unites the Sudanese consciousness, and everyone, the people and the government, must be aware of it.

14- If we want culture to build consciousness, we must examine its foundations and scrutinize what brings it together, and move away from hateful racism and destructive dualism, and rid ourselves of the veil of partisanship or blatant club encouragement. transform this dualism into a global form that forms a beautiful cultural painting.

15- The school session must be restarted because it reflects the cultural diversity of the students.

16- Our great heritage, which the world has now known, must be combined with the Battle of Dignity. The Battle for Dignity is what will present the culture of the next generation and unite the consciousness of this people.

17- Pay attention to national education because it is the supporting arm of culture and pay attention to it not only in schools, but everywhere, because it is not just taught, but rather an application and a mode of life.

18- Paying attention to culture is very important, and culture through it facilitates the resolution of tribal conflicts and problems that lead to wars, and facilitates the achievement of national unity which allows obtaining optimal stability for our country, which opens before us new horizons for development and progress in building a cohesive society in which everyone feels safe, reassured and just, and this depends on the development of study programs in such a way as to strengthen spiritual and cultural openness and the link between history and national education, because the human being is. the goal of all education, because he is a social being in his essence, and his personality can only be achieved through the group. This is why it is necessary to develop a unified book for national and cultural education with cognitive, civic, social, patriotic and nationalist elements. , and purely humanitarian dimensions to achieve unity between local and regional communities to deepen and unify concepts in order to deepen belonging and identity and commit to equality, tolerance and justice, to develop a sense of the era and time and to interact with the world. outside world to acquire advanced skills and knowledge that keep pace with our times.

19- Activate the role of mosque imams and attract parents, young people and children to mosques through courses, interpretations and the biography of the Prophet. Religious science is the pivot of national culture and education, and religious education does not enter into conflict with it. the ethics or beliefs of the Christian minority, and religion is valid for every individual, even if the belief differs.

21- The revival of state and national cultural festivals is necessary now because they bring together all the cultures of the Sudanese people, breed and nurture creative people in various fields and provide the young generation with the opportunity to experience the diverse cultures of their country. country.

22- The role of academics in exercising a redoubled effort to move Sudan towards modernization and renewal in order to integrate knowledge and science with the requirements of work and production, each in their field.

23- We must be aware that the true independence of peoples is the achievement of their goals of sovereignty and pride, and this is an affirmation.

His loneliness.

24- Great revolutions, like great peoples, are only propelled by facing challenges, facing difficulties and overcoming the impossible with the possible. Through construction, we build our country and we fight with strength and determination to build this Sudan.

25- Stay away from partisanship, because partisanship has only divided us and only made us more dependent on the policies of the colonizer, because it has no moral obligation, but its only concern is rather material gain partisan and cheap.

26- Pay attention to the culture of the child from an early age, instill in him the values, morals and love of the homeland in his education through preschool education until the culture of the love of the homeland crystallizes while instilling values ​​and morality.

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