We Are All One Army – A Sphere Symposium on Negative Social Phenomena Resulting from War and How to Deal With Them

The {We are all an army} group on the WhatsApp application organized a Sphere symposium on *the negative social phenomena produced by war and how to deal with them*. The symposium was opened by the group's supervisor, Ali Shams Al-Falah, who stressed that war has secretions, which are completely good and bad, and the group members discussed the discussion in a high spirit of patriotism and impartiality and the deliberations resulted in overall results agreed by the traders, which are?

1- Family disintegration.

War often results in the dispersion of families and the loss of their members, whether through migration, death or enforced disappearance. This leads to a weakening of family ties and the loss of social support provided by the family.

UN. Combating family disintegration

Psychological and social support can be improved through resettlement programmes for affected families and the provision of family and community counselling services. Family ties should be encouraged and communication between family members, wherever they are, should be strengthened, through communication technologies or community initiatives.

2- The spread of poverty and unemployment

The war destroyed infrastructure and affected the economy, leading to high rates of poverty and unemployment, especially among vulnerable groups.

B- Combating the spread of poverty and unemployment

Economic plans must be developed to rehabilitate affected areas and create new employment opportunities, with an emphasis on vocational training programs to improve individuals' skills and integrate them into the labor market.

3- Increase in crime and violence

War leads to the breakdown of public order, which increases the spread of crime and violence, both at the individual and group levels.

C- Addressing the increase in crime and violence

The legal system and strict law enforcement must be strengthened in addition to promoting education for peace, tolerance and conflict resolution, especially in schools and communities.

4- The spread of psychological trauma

War causes the spread of psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), especially among children and women, leading to profound mental health problems.

D- Combating the spread of psychological trauma

Provide psychological support and collective and individual treatment to those affected by war. Mental health awareness campaigns can be implemented, in addition to establishing psychological support centers in affected areas.

5- Bad education

The war disrupted the educational process due to the destruction of schools and universities and the displacement of teachers and students, leaving a large educational gap.

E- Addressing the weakness of education

Educational institutions must be rebuilt, providing support to affected students through scholarships or alternative education programs, and also strengthening the use of technology in education to deliver classes remotely if schools are not accessible.

6- Increase in displacement and forced migration

Mass displacement and forced migration are causing the emergence of new heterogeneous population centres, placing additional pressure on resources and services.

F- Addressing the increase in displacement and forced migration.

Resettlement programmes can be systematically promoted while providing basic services such as housing, health and education to displaced persons, and ensuring their successful integration into host communities.

7- Collapse of trust between individuals and groups.

War often leads to social and sectarian divisions and the breakdown of trust between members of the same society.

F- Address the breakdown of trust between individuals and groups.

Build community initiatives to encourage national dialogue and reconciliation between conflicting parties and promote the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence through education and awareness-raising programs in schools, mosques, churches and civil society.

8- Exploitation of children

War can lead to children being recruited or exploited in dangerous or illegal activities, putting their lives and futures at risk.

J- Fight against child exploitation?

There is also a need to strengthen laws and legislation that protect children's rights, while establishing centres to protect children and provide them with psychological and educational support. Work must also be done to reintegrate children who have been recruited or exploited into society.

9- The spread of psychological trauma

War causes the spread of psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), especially among children and women, leading to profound mental health problems.

J- Fight against the spread of psychological trauma.

Provide psychological support and collective and individual treatment to those affected by war. Mental health awareness campaigns can be implemented, in addition to establishing psychological support centers in affected areas.

*Conference Summary*

To address these negative social phenomena, integrated efforts are needed between the State, civil society, international organizations and individuals. Solutions must focus on providing social and psychological support, rebuilding infrastructure and reviving the social fabric through development programs and community initiatives.

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