We Are All One Army – A Sphere Symposium on Popular Revolt, the Declaration of a State of Emergency, and the Arming of Personnel Mobilized to Support the Armed Forces

The “We Are All Army” group on the WhatsApp application organized a Sphere symposium on “the popular revolt, the declaration of a state of emergency and the arming of personnel mobilized to support the armed forces”. The symposium was opened by the supervisor of the group, Ali Shams Al. -Falah, who stressed that the popular revolt in Sudan, the declaration of a state of emergency and the arming of personnel mobilized to support the armed forces are among the most prominent manifestations of national mobilization that emerge in times of crisis and major challenges facing the state. of the current war aimed at eliminating the Janjaweed rebel militias. The mobilization of the people and their support for the armed forces has become an important part of the state’s strategy to confront internal and external threats, and the members of the group discussed the discussion in a great spirit of patriotism and patriotism. complete impartiality. The deliberations produced comprehensive results that were agreed upon by the traders:

UN. *Popular explosion:*

1- Mobilize and recruit citizens to support the armed forces in the face of threats.

2- Popular rebellion is now part of Sudanese culture, where citizens are encouraged to actively participate in the defense of the homeland.

3- This mobilization is done through official invitations and public appeals, which encourage citizens to join the armed forces or contribute to supporting them in various ways, whether by volunteering to fight, or by providing logistical and material support.

4- It strengthens community unity and brings together efforts towards a common goal of peace and security.

for. *Declare a state of emergency:*

1- Declare a state of emergency in all states of Sudan in light of these extremely serious circumstances.

2- The authorities have broad powers to deal with the situation, and declaring a state of emergency implies imposing restrictions on people suspected of being linked to the rebellion.

3- Also to secure the country and its population, such as freedom of movement and assembly, and may include the imposition of a curfew.

4- The armed forces, security and intelligence services and the police must be given more powers to deal with security threats.

5- It helps to impose order and provide the resources needed to deal with the crisis the country is going through.

6- Form an urgent war government and dismiss all supporters of the war against the state from the civil service institutions who were appointed during the period of impudence, considered the political incubator of terrorist militias.

7- Reinstate the army, intelligence services and police officers dismissed on the recommendation of the militia commander.

C. *Arming the Mustafareen:*

1- In the context of popular unrest, the Mustafarin are armed, that is, citizens recruited to support the armed forces.

2- They must be provided with weapons so that they can contribute effectively to the defense of their areas or to the combats led by regular forces.

3- Arming the mobilized is an important step, but it also involves great risks if it is not accompanied by strict controls on the part of the armed forces.

4- Arming mobilized personnel improves the ability to deal with militia violence.

5- Arming mobilized personnel provides means of self-defense and protection of society against the threats that surround it.

6- Finally, we urgently demand the immediate arming of all mobilized personnel and their disembarkation on the battlefield in all directions.

D. *Support the armed forces:*

1- Citizen support for the armed forces is not limited to arming those mobilized, but also involves providing logistical, material and moral support.

2- This includes providing food, medical equipment and fuel, in addition to providing psychological and moral support to soldiers by strengthening the national spirit and organizing solidarity campaigns.

3- This support is considered an essential element of the State's efforts to maintain the cohesion of the internal front and ensure the effectiveness of military operations.

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