We Are All One Army – A Sphere Symposium on Those Who Collaborated with the Enemy During the War for Dignity and Their Danger to Society

*We are all an army*

Sphere Symposium on Those Who Collaborated with the Enemy during the War of Dignity and Their Danger to Society* The *We Are All Army* group on the WhatsApp application organized a Sphere Symposium on *Collaborators with the Enemy during the War of Dignity and Their Danger to Society*

The symposium was opened by the group's supervisor, Ali Shams Al-Falah, who stressed that cooperation with militias is one of the most dangerous threats facing society and that everyone must therefore assume their national responsibilities and be part of the solution, not the We are all an army that defends the homeland, protects the land and honor, and circulates. The group members discussed the discussions in a great spirit of patriotism and complete impartiality, and the deliberations resulted in overall results agreed upon by the participants, which are?

a. *The cooperators are obstructing the army's security operation, as this will have major negative effects on security and stability in the region*

1. Collaborators disclose sensitive information about military plans and movements, enabling enemies or armed groups to prepare or carry out counterattacks.

2. When the military feels that there are traitors among them, it can lead to a drop in morale and confidence in the leadership, which negatively affects their performance.

3. These collaborators contribute to creating a state of chaos and confusion within the ranks of the army, which makes it difficult to conduct security operations effectively.

4. Traitor collaborators exploit loopholes in military operations to advance their personal interests, whether by manipulating resources or influencing decisions.

5. The presence of these collaborators reinforces criminal activities such as arms smuggling or drug trafficking, further complicating the security situation.

6. Today, the nation is going through a devastating war in which more than 17 countries are participating. It is a war that has exhausted all the country's resources, destroyed the economy, infrastructure and society. It has displaced citizens, turning them into refugees. and displaced persons. Honors have been violated and homes have been looted, as well as their furniture, money, gold, vehicles and crops. All this is due to collaborators who have information about families and their savings. , and sow discord and disinformation by publishing information that causes a moral defeat for all those who support the army.

B- *Psychological warfare and other tasks assigned to agents and collaborators*

1. Rumors are spread in Sudanese society, and it is known that rumors can destroy the entire society.

2. Spreading the spirit of defeat and despair among all citizens by arguing that the rapid support militia can win every battle it fights, and that this would frustrate the people, weaken their resolve and reduce their steadfastness and determination.

3. Spying and listening to the mujahideen and transmitting their news and movements to the enemy are among the most dangerous tasks assigned to the agents.

4. Cooperation with the enemy leads to a worsening of security, economic and social conditions in society, and those who cooperate with the enemy undermine the trust of citizens and create suspicion and division within society.

5. The collaborators were an important element in the psychological warfare waged by the rebels through correction and coordinate collection operations, which were immediately followed by artillery recording operations that led to the martyrdom of dozens of citizens. Then, the media platforms turned to the army's inability to protect citizens.

C- *We call on state leaders to do the following*

1. Apply the death penalty against those who deserve it, including traitors and agents, as a matter of urgency, and let it be carried out in public places so that it can serve as a lesson and a lesson to others.

2. Issue arrest warrants for whoever started the war within the Taqadum group and for all Taqadum supporters abroad who ignited the flames of sedition and pursued by Interpol.

3. Activate the role of neighborhood committees to search for sleeper cells in all cities and subject them to immediate and urgent trials.

4. The armed forces adopt effective strategies to combat traitorous collaborators, including improving internal intelligence, strengthening training and awareness among citizens, and implementing strict measures to combat corruption and treason.

5. Establish emergency courts and enact for them a military law that applies the death penalty against the traitor and collaborator after evidence proves his involvement, and the sentence is carried out in public without favoritism or hesitation.

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