We keep the package, enough jokes – from the top of the stage – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

The most beautiful, purest and true emotion of my heart, my heartbeat, sincere, dedicated to the pearls of a pearl necklace. We joined our late resident poet, Youssef Mustafa Al-Tani, in an infallible poem that is considered one of the immortal lines that have been remembered and sung by past generations, and will be hummed by future generations… How could it be otherwise, when its words draw the heart before the ear and give it a lasting hearing every time? the singer sings it or the person who recites it recites it in poetry
A song about Al-Fawad, sponsored by the care with which the Most High among us granted the patriotism of the artist Badi Muhammad Al-Tayeb, with his rich and melodious voice. It is considered one of the patriotic songs that sing for the patriots. ears and are full of love for this dear country, the land and the noble, glory and glory. It is one of the Sudanese honeys filtered at the national level, and its words take the status of colloquial language, with unique vocabulary, structures and sentences. speak
The second poet is one of the immortal poets of my country. He is among those who wrote bright pages of love letters for this country. He wrote rhymed poetry, metric poetry and free poetry. He has a special school of writing poetry. , which is a mixture of patriotism, romanticism and symbolism that weighs as much as pure emotional gold. He was influenced by a number of Arab and Sudanese poets, such as Ahmed Shawqi, Al-Aqqad and Mubarak Al-Maghribi. a unique language, verbal beauty and words that he carefully chooses that take the form of an attractive poetic melody and his calm music was a school of criticism, with chapters, studies and learning. and perhaps the late Ali Al-Mak wrote there with a distinguished journalistic critical spirit in the pages of the newspaper of the time.
This patriotic song began to show strength and readiness in the face of the enemy and firmness, regardless of afflictions. And the archer extended his spears on the chest of those who love this land: I have nothing but spite… And if I did. am defeated with all my strength… I have no other goal than your safety… God willing, my dear country will be safe. This poem calls for… Valor and heroism: Our leaders are foolish and senseless… They cut the lion's belly in the houses… We remain strong, enough of this farce… We keep the heart of my dear homeland.
This song should not be sung by those who sold this country, and it should be a book and a shield for the patriots who went to Jeddah and not for those who stole, looted and vandalized.
From my podium, I look… where I see… that this song should not go unnoticed when it is sung. We must understand and be aware of what its words reveal in understanding and action, and we must not forget this strong message. that Al-Tani expressed in the form of strong advice to those who sold this country in the slave market and the foreigner continued to play with them and make them move as he wanted: I have a need for my homeland, Al-Bakdali…. How can they leave me and Khawaja goes to me… he sings my homeland and tells me something… in your love, my dear homeland, (this is the song) that we are supposed to memorize by heart, an honest patriot… (and this is the song, no… no way)! .