We knocked and we got a hammer ✍️ Muhammad Talab

Perhaps these words and the meanings intended for them are not absorbed as quickly as some understand when we say (We hammered knives and escaped and prepared hammers to blow with)… and so images of preparation (for sacrifice and wrapping) and Eid al. -Adha immediately comes to mind if these images already exist in the recipient's visual memory, and I think many of today's generation have not heard the words “Our Roads”, “Al-Matarak”, or even ” Al-Mafraqa”, and. their eyes may not have been touched by the scenes of “Al-Dhabiha” in the good old days of prosperity and glory… how can memory preserve these scenes when the price of a sheep reached (a quarter of a million) Sudanese pounds) because of brokers and scammers who have no work.

In general, through observations and observations, I see that these terms are disappearing, which calls us to deepen this term, to give it new life, to research its origin, its eloquence, and the implications sense. it contains, and even refers to, other things and tools surrounding the process of (forging), so to speak… The term is taken from the word (Hammering) where the iron is heated in a fire until 'it turns red, then it is hammered continuously to form the cutting parts of a knife, a farbar, or other sharp instruments such as (Al-Malloud) or (Al-Najama), which are tools agricultural… Then a file is then used to increase the sharpness according to the desired goal… We know that the felling knife has certain conditions. It must be pure and sharp, so it can cut very quickly so as not to torture the animal during slaughter.

The jurists cited a hadith on the authority of the Messenger of God, prayers and peace of God be upon him, who said: “God Almighty has prescribed good for everything, so when you slaughter, slaughter well and let each of you sharpen your blade and slaughter your sacrifice. »Reported by Mouslim.

It is therefore an invitation to the holidays to research these meanings and exchange ideas about the word (our ways), its disappearance and the aspects of the blessed Eid al-Adha that surround us throughout time…

The invitation is open until the day *the Rabbit* is finished… and the Rabbit is often the last manifestation of Eid al-Adha after the drought and hardening of (the chief brother) in the streets and alleys (I hope this doesn't happen this year)

Perhaps one of the most important reasons that has led to the demise of the term is our complete dependence on someone outside the family for the slaughtering, skinning, cutting and delivery of the cooked meals (a slaughterer takes the loin with the skin, the head). , and feet) and fresh meat, in addition to the high salaries nowadays…. If all these operations were carried out by all members of the family and neighbors, everyone had their own task (from emptying and cleaning the guts to the bowl of gall and cumin), and his older brothers had a different story.

But now all they have left is (laziness), and there is no doubt that they have lived in the time of (laziness) for thirty years…

I think any family that does these things alone deserves a free sheep with a cash reward…and sorry (to the oppressors)…enough of the oppressors.

And if anyone who receives arguments appears and says, “You will be blessed,” my response will be, “I will not sacrifice this year.” God does not burden a soul with more than it can handle…and the rest. » of the conversation.

Peace (finish)

This article was also written and published before the years of war and destruction that hit the country and the displacement, grief, torment and death of Sudanese citizens… I am left with a big question: is- I have nothing left to write? on such occasions ?? I don't know…but what should I write when knife and flight turn into goals of human evil and we become (the victim) and the voices of sheep now turn into captive Sunnis (say “baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'knife and the hammers burn their backs.

May God have mercy on my father and on all those who slaughtered his sacrifice with his own hands, and the children helped him to (pack), and the mothers, according to the law and the law, prepared the tools and the fires slaughter in this area. time (and the merciful days of God). But now the fences and (the massacre) have become the bodies of those killed in the war, and the media transmits to us the voices of takbir and the cries: “We grilled them for this. A little. »There is no power or strength except with God…

Yes, these are the days and times of Eid, but unfortunately there is no place for this in my country. Eid is a joy, so where is our joy. Fights during the sacred months and others between the people of the same nation still exist? and this will continue as long as (the hammering and hammering) have other aims than their objectives and the path to security and safety seems blocked…

Good morning

Muhammad asked

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