We reject any attack on the symbols of our great army – the greatness of our armed forces is that they remained steadfast and refrained from bending, lying down and kneeling under any circumstances – ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


++ I have followed some irresponsible statements from some politicians addicted to fishing in troubled waters and wanting to create a divide between Al-Burhan and the Islamists…

++ There is not a single writer belonging to the National Congress or the Islamic Movement who opposes Al-Burhan's leadership of the military establishment. On the contrary, all Islamists have continued to support the leadership and the armed forces with insight, wisdom and determination…

++ They realize that the UAE state did everything in its power to dismiss Al-Burhan, Al-Kabashi and Al-Atta because they foiled its sinful plan to weaken the army and replace it with its despicable Janjaweed militia…

++ The proof is enough to be proud that under his leadership our national army was able to inflict successive defeats on the Janjaweed and transform them from an organized militia into gangs of pillage, chaos and theft. Their dreams of taking power and governing the country were eclipsed by the dream of seizing a small village for half an hour in order to pillage the citizens and take a photo in front of a banner bearing the name of a local leader or a division…

++ As the militia, in its first version, started with organized forces of more than 200,000 Huan, possessing the largest weapons, ammunition, equipment and four-wheel drive vehicles…

++ Four months after the start of the War of Dignity and Pride, it transformed, due to the factors of death, destruction, mass flight and heavy losses in its ranks, into a militia in its second version, relying on tribal mobilization for recruitment and temptation or incitement to leave the Sudanese army or betray it and work for foreigners, and even this did not succeed, because most of them rushed. The tribes decided to withdraw their sons and completely abandon their support, assistance and assistance. .

++ Automatically transforming into a militia in its third edition, in which it relied on the fifth column of the Qahata ((God honors the listeners)) and some cadres of the left parties, the utilitarians and all the habitual criminals of the homeless prisoners that the militia had released from prisons and agreed with them to join its ranks by committing to a complete general amnesty.

About them the state of victory…

++ These, of course, did not have a better fate than their predecessors, because our armed forces eliminated them and provided them with the resources of destruction. The militia found itself face to face with the fourth version, in which it relied on importing foreign mercenaries and training them by Colombian experts. They are now distributed in camps in Ethiopia, Central Africa and South Sudan. For its part, the militia seeks to open the borders with these countries to bring them in, but in the eyes of our citizens. the regular forces are vigilant, follow and monitor them closely, and they lie in wait for them…

++ The orientation of this militia in its four versions clearly indicates the superiority, success and genius of the leaders of our great army, led by Al-Burhan, in killing this militia and weakening it to a great extent, and soon those of it who rebelled and were forced will be annihilated and destroyed by the power, strength and greatness of God…

++ This is why we insist and emphasize the need to defend Al-Burhan as an immortal symbol of the army's leadership. Any attempt to undermine him means targeting the entire army…

++ This does not mean in any way that if we notice a distortion or an error, we will remain silent and turn a blind eye. No, if we notice a distortion, we will promptly report it out of consideration for the good. public interest. At the same time, we constitute a complete protection for him, protect his back and reject any personal targeting against him…

++ A place where we must prove to him, Al-Kabashi, Yasser Al-Atta and Ibrahim Jaber that they have clearly resolved the issue of negotiating with the Janjaweed rebels by refusing to sit with them at a table until they left the homes of innocent citizens and government institutions, while emphasizing the absence of any secret platform…

++ What is considered proof is that he remained true to his principles, declaring his three no's: ((No negotiations, no peace and no ceasefire)) with those who usurped the homes of the citizens and expelled them…

++ The whole truth remains that the Islamists support the armed forces because they see them as the safety valve of the country, the antidote to any attempt to colonize the homeland, and the rock on which dreams of controlling our homeland, plundering its wealth and dividing. they are broken. Does this insane politician understand the lesson or does he need more explanations and clarifications? He is the biggest loser???!!!

*Our army, O ((Machine)) 000

*Be careful, djinn

*Resistance, O ((Nashama))000

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