We train to fight and fight as we were trained – Graduation of the sniper course in the Kadro area – Pen and Bullet – ✍️ Captain Suhaib Ezzedine

The Sudanese army is an ancient institution with ancient roots, and the Sudanese army is one of the oldest armies in the region. It organizes tours and tours that are attested by the enemy before the friend, regionally and internationally. the rest of the armies in the region, with patience, exploiting what is possible and available, and working in the darkest and most difficult circumstances. Thus, the wheel of the armed forces continues to turn and grind what hinders its path. of plans and conspiracies, because God is our agent and our supporter.

Thanks to God and its success, today, Thursday, August 1, the graduation of the Joint Sniper Course No. 2 in the Al-Kadro military region (Arms and Ammunition Corps) took place, which included a large number of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers from the region, this course and military operations reached their peak in various regions of the capital, and as everyone knows the difficulty of war buildings and agglomerations and the complications that accompany them, especially in an area that was densely populated and the social incubators found by the enemy allowed it to withdraw there easily.

The importance of accuracy in shooting in general and in all weapons is that it is an essential element in tipping the balance of the fighting group and achieving positive results in combat with the least consumption of ammunition, in addition to preserving the equipment used and not exhausting It also applies to sniper work and its training because of its great importance in influencing the course of battles by targeting and killing commanders, disabling and then destroying enemy machines and vehicles, which raises the morale of the force. peace and blessings be upon him, spoke the truth when he said (except that the force shoots).

What distinguishes this course is that in addition to members of the armed forces, it included members of the police forces, intelligence services and emergency services present in the region, in order to improve performance and efficiency, and activate the tasks and roles of snipers in the localities from which they come, where students received a mixture of theoretical courses to familiarize the individual with the nature and properties of the weapon he has with him and how to make the most of it. in his fight, in addition to the practical application represented by the real practice of shooting and hunting under the supervision of qualified teachers in this regard.

His Excellency Major General Nadeem Hamed Tabri graced the graduation ceremony and stressed the importance of snipers. He praised the organization of the course and the presentation presented by the students and their sniper skills, which aroused the admiration of all. combat days in the various combat sites of the Kadro area. The Head of the Weapons and Ammunition Training Division, His Excellency Colonel Staff Abbas Hassan, reviewed the course curriculum and what the students received, accompanied by a presentation of the work. confirmed that the training continues to increase combat effectiveness and improve performance.

Thanks to the gentlemen who supervised the course, His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Alaa El-Din Ibrahim and His Excellency Major Al-Harith, who spared no effort to follow the training program carefully and attentively and provide their assistance in these difficult circumstances. Thanks to the teachers of non-commissioned officers, the dynamo engine of the training work in the Sudanese army and its cornerstone, and then thanks to God before and after.

May God accept the martyrs…heal the wounded…restore the missing

Pride, nobility and invincibility for our valiant armed forces

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