We will not forget him for Egypt – the face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

In the summer of 2015, Sudan hosted a meeting that brought together the presidents of Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia to sign the Renaissance Dam Document, which is a declaration of principles of agreement between the Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan regarding the Renaissance Dam project. was signed in Khartoum in March of the aforementioned year during a unique summit attended by the heads of the three countries, in addition to the large presence of a number of regional and international organizations… behind the scenes of this signature and its preparations. preceded it… I was close to it through my work within the media team of the Ministry of Water and Electricity… The nature of our participation in the preparatory sessions which preceded the signing was enough to make me renew my confidence in those responsible. On the order to sign at all levels… everyone was driven by a deep sense of the importance of this project for the three countries, in order to maximize the economic resources represented by energy in Ethiopia, the land in Sudan, as well as the enormous human skills and expertise in agricultural reform that Egypt benefits from.

During this period and before… I developed a great awareness of the importance of Egypt as a pioneer country led by an enlightened elite who always worked for the development of this country and the project of unification of inhabitants of the Nile Valley. remained present on its agenda without blackmail or interference in the internal affairs of our country… Before that, some of what I remember The Egyptian Educational Mission, with its various educational establishments, of which the most Famous are the Gamal Abdel Nasser School, the Tawfiqiyya and Coptic Schools, Cairo University in Khartoum, Egyptian Irrigation and the Jabal Awliya Reservoir, built in 1937 by the Egyptian government, which supervised all technical operations, d engineering and administrative functions until 1977… after which the tasks were gradually transferred to the Sudanese government.

I also remember the great writer Abbas Mahmoud Al-Akkad, and I am one of his fans, who chose Sudan as an alternative homeland… in 1943 to pursue his artistic and written creativity as he sought safety , safety and comfort. after the Nazis placed him among the most wanted. Let us also not forget the lady of Arabic singing, Umm Kulthum, who represented her visit. Sudan has an empty trace in its artistic and musical history, because the Sudanese people welcomed it with love. , kisses and tears… which drew her attention to this delicate taste, so she started looking for what could deepen this emotional connection, and she found what she was looking for in the song “Aghadda I Meet You”, of the great Sudanese. poet Al-Hadi Adam, which was composed by Muhammad Abdel-Wahab… and she became After that, she was one of the most beautiful singers of this creative artist, a legend immortalized in history.

Likewise, the visit of President Gamal Abdel Nasser after the 1967 war was an inspiring visit in which the Sudanese people renewed the determination of their leaders for a new round which took place in 1973 AD, where Khartoum is went from a setback to a victory. then fresh and had much to offer his brothers in terms of love, hope and determination, for the “Conference” was born at that time. “The Three No’s” were a great support to the cause of Palestine, the cause of Palestine. Islam and Arabism. Amidst all these fluctuations and challenges, Egypt remained proud of its people, its people and its leaders, and Sudan remained imbued with this brotherhood and this common destiny… which was created by the The general mood of the masses, the elites, and the intellectuals… in this velvety and fresh period. Egypt represented the dreams of excellence and progress of intellectuals and students of science. She gave the sick hope of healing, rebirth and continuation of life. and commerce to progress and accumulate wealth, for ambitious youth, theater and football… and for those who enter the family world, such as spouses, the greatest dreams and hopes.

Until the calamity of war befell Sudan and the international and regional preparation and conspiracy that preceded it, Egypt continued to do everything possible to heal the hernia that had begun to fester. digging since 2019 AD. She continues to help people get through it. dark and painful reality that ravaged the stability and security of the country, because it offered the best. She took the initiative in trying to bring peace to our country… when she brought together the leaders of Sudan's neighboring countries in a summit that emphasized the unity of Sudan. , non-interference in internal affairs and preservation of national sovereignty and state institutions… He also supported Sudan's position on the same content in the Arab League declaration… and remained supportive of Sudan in all regional and international forums. Additionally, the Egyptian Ambassador to Sudan, Hani Salah, remained in post with the Sudanese government leadership, sharing his concerns and plans. He moved with him to Port Sudan and started his duties with presence, coordination and activity. The first humanitarian aid convoys to land at Port Sudan airport came from Egypt. This contrasts with land transport, which filled the gap in daily needs after Sudan's food factories went offline due to the war.

To achieve this achievement, Egypt welcomed 600,000 Sudanese citizens fleeing war and rebel oppression. They naturally came there and headed towards the course of the Nile, which unites consciousness, culture, ambition and common destiny. figures from long ago who share everything with the Egyptian people: food, drinks, services and education. Neither the place nor the people limited them, as one of my media friends told me, they actually feel it. safe in Egypt alone, due to many considerations, not the least of which being the convergence of the public mood with this people, who were on time and gave everything they had to the people Sudanese in this temporary ordeal. Thank you all and gratitude to the Egyptian government and people, and special thanks to Ambassador Hani Salah, who highlighted the authenticity of his country… We will not forget him for Egypt, its humanity, its Arabism , its history and its civilization.

May you always be well. (email protected)

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