We will sell to you!!!!! But for whom??? ✍️ Ali Al-Fatih Al-Zubair

Following the course of events over the past year

In 2013 AD and before the fall of the Bashir regime on April 11, 2019, I became certain that the result of what had happened and what was happening was the fragility of the State, the spread of corruption and nepotism and the processes of empire building. for this, intimidation, ethnic and racial polarization and the absence of a national national project, with which all Sudanese elites and masters agreed, work according to plans and strategies that include everything that could raise the value of the nation and. the citizen, reject racism and tribalism before nationalism, and fail to develop quality education, cultural and social awareness, urbanization, giant economic projects and services in most of our wounded homeland… in the absence of this project, those. It's not the years that led to where we are

Except as a result of extensive and deep situations, actions and accumulations

It stinks of betrayal

For the majority of those who spoke on behalf of the nation,

Among the parties, the civil forces and the coalition governments which formed from time to time according to “political satisfactions…to calm the storms which arose here and there and threatened to extend the scope of the fragmentation and of the erosion of our homeland, from time to time, in order to preserve “what remained of the homeland after the secession of the South, following a decades-long war declaring the failure of all efforts to preserve the homeland, its heritage and its map. as drawn by the colonizer before his departure, leaving behind numerous files and complex questions that all the country's elites have failed to resolve since the dawn of independence until the present day.

And (traitors and betrayal) are a scourge and a cancer which has continued to eat away at the body of the nation, without respite, throughout all the periods in which we were supposed to begin the path of growth, development and state building. (Al-Bashir is an example), despite our reservations that he came on the back of a tank, supported by a political faction, composed of our people and Sudanese, of which there is no doubt, and among there are some of them. whom we consider honest and eager to realize the lost national project (the lost treasure). Through my work in media and civil society organizations, I have met, interviewed, discussed and followed the path of a number of trusted relief leaders. patriotism, distance from employment and distance from lobbyists and corruption empires. Among them were those who worked in silence, impartiality and denial, and those who were not inclined to the media and did not react to it. in my memory there is one example (Professor Ibrahim Ghandour)… and I still remember his recent participation in Parliament in his capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he spoke with complete frankness and clarity about the outcome of his ministry's inability to pay the salaries of the missions and pay the rents of its headquarters located throughout the world, he is not afraid of losing a position or losing a chair, and I consider him one loyal national politicians. He was far from ideological discourse and. eager to defeat his opponents before his friends. I only mentioned him as an example because of my belief that it is possible for him to contribute, in a personal capacity, to bridging the gap and bringing the parties closer together by considering whether there is a conflict ( Sudanese/Sudanese). ) a dialogue which seeks to heal the wounds of the Sudanese question, to unite ranks and to build the national project (post-war)…

My nomination for Professor Ibrahim Ghandour is based on his “national affiliation, independent” of any political or regional movement, and I have every confidence that there are men from all states of Sudan and with diverse affiliations and varied that present themselves in the name of the professor. Ibrahim Ghandour. We hope that we in the media tribe will pave the way for such initiatives, which will pave the way for deep understandings and dialogues, bringing us to consensus and unity in order to achieve what can be achieved in a homeland on the verge of loss. . Back to the reality of the situation

The era of (Sadiq al-Mahdi's government) 1986/1989 and the great failures that accompanied it led to the intervention of the military establishment, to begin the era of (rescue) and despite our many complaints against him, it was possible to place our country among the unified, developed and rich countries (people and lands)

It was possible to prepare and establish a strong system of transfer of power that would bring together all Sudanese around a common voice.

But the sword of “betrayal” hung around the neck of the country and its people, and many sincere patriots, opinion makers and academics left.

Due to the power and influence of (traitors and agents) and their penetration and infiltration into decision-making centers to achieve cheap goals which are not devoid of selfishness, selfishness and monopolization of resources of the State, and to please their masters at home and abroad. ..

And such traitors, who are in the forefront and occupy the pulpits, deceive us with kind words and transmit to us bad deeds and disavowal of their homeland, to achieve goals and objectives that can be described as cheap and low , they are among us and in us and among those that the ignorant think are (patriots at heart)… and they don't know it. They sold the country and the citizen cheaply.

The people of salvation were lenient in resolving and suppressing (traitors and betrayers) and corrupters, reducing their areas and crushing them, leading to the end of this era at the hands of its leader and its leaders (without them being aware of it) and the result of these moral setbacks, these transgressions, this impunity and these false promises… could quickly provoke its anger against the patient, autonomous, defeated, greedy and thirsty for a time in which the seed will grow and the udder will grow. to be full..

By associating them with these traitors and corrupt people, they missed a historic opportunity that could have made a difference in the history of our country, in its position and in its influence regionally and globally.

Unfortunately, in the absence of an integrated national project, the spread of “traitors” and “agents” expanded even after the fall of Al-Bashir, and the journey of conspiracy and collusion began to spread, reaching an unprecedented level and the highest after April. 11, 2019.

No sector, no institution, no party was spared the instigation of traitors, agents and popular harmony, and this absence of patriotism was certainly not a coincidence, but rather the result of lean years of monopolization of power and crushing of opinion and other opinions. , in the role and institutions of the state and the parties in which all forms grew and prospered. Betrayal, collusion and conspiracy against the nation and its people…

Until the traitors and agents began to act openly, shouting day and night on television channels in clear and frank defiance and without shame or embarrassment, as if they were guaranteed to be punished, on the basis of what had preceded in the series of national and moral collapses. , because of these traitors who were honored by the state at its highest levels… and they take advantage of the sea of ​​​​money of the Sudanese people…

But we tell them:

The people and the Sudan before the war are not the people and the Sudan after the war… and I dedicate this to them

What the Yemeni poet Fath Masoud says is completely consistent with our reality with traitors and agents.

We will sell you, but to whom?! Who buys mold from us?!

Who buys us impurity, filth and temptation?!

Who buys us cockroaches of wickedness and weakness?!

Who buys us disasters, misfortunes and sadness?!

Who buys us germs that are harmful to the body?!

Who buys us from thieves, exploiters and traitors?!

Who do agents, cowards and filth buy from?!

★ We will sell to you, but to whom?! ★

Who buys us chickpeas, frogs and oysters?!

Who buys us malignant hemorrhoids and tuberculosis?!

Who buys the evil of animals and the evil of idol worshipers?!

Who buys us gays from the Gulf in Aden?!

Who would buy a shame rather than a shameful shroud?!

Who buys us the shame that time will be ashamed of?!

★ We will sell to you, but to whom?! ★

You are not watchdogs to get a price.

You are not donkeys to ride horses, nor mules to stock up…

You are not chickens to eat, nor animals to be kissed.

You are not sandals to wear, nor slaves to be trusted…

Who will buy from you for free in Arab countries and from whom?!

We will sell to you, but no one will buy…!!

By God, if you honor us, then leave us.

They died or disappeared

If you commit suicide, we will thank you for your love of your country

The article was published We will sell to you!!!!! But for whom??? ✍️ Ali Al-Fatih Al-Zubair First on Zoll net.

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